ok, I just heard a commercial, too. It was hilarious: the jingle talks about getting your food "The F and Easy way."
Sing that out loud and you get "the effin' easy way."
brilliant, that!
I wonder if F and Easy sells Frank's Red Hot Sauce? I put that effin shit on everything.
heh... I'd like to see a timeline of how the language in pop culture or advertising has proceeded over the years to include words that would undoubtedly have shocked our elders, who in turn would have shocked THEIR elders, etc.
dang > damn > bitch > balls > effin' etc.
they're running their radio spots again (something about how they make your life easier in the summertime) and I've noticed that there are now 2 versions of the commercial, the usual
"effin' easy" spot (hearing it on KFOG) and also a version where they sing
"Fresh 'n' Easy" each time so as not to offend (which, oddly, has been running on Live 105).