I had to (finally) "un-friend" someone on FB because, well, she's kinda nuts. I've had weird dust-ups with her for the past 2 years, and was on the verge of un-friending her in December. And you may remember I posted a few months ago about how a FB-friend of hers (a guy she didn't actually know) had nastily attacked me when I criticized Donald Trump. And she instantly dumped him and that made me think well... maybe she's not so bad.
But: she is, among other things, a high priestess of the Cult of Oprah. Yesterday she posted this quote from Steadman Graham, Oprah's beard, oops, I mean "boyfriend":
"You are not your circumstances... You are your possibilities". Very Hallmark, no? I couldn't resist commenting "Easy for him to say..."
And of course she was highly offended. Why, Streadman has a master's degree! and he has his own company! and on and on. I said, "yeah, and his girlfriend is the richest woman on Earth. So his 'possibilities' are endless, don'cha think?"
And then her friends chimed in, defending S & O both. I pointed out that you don't get to be a billionaire by being nice but of course O is the exception, she's the only nice billionaire! Sheesh.
Then the piece de resistance -- my (now ex-)friend said, "y'know, Gayle King is a Facebook friend of mine -- I hope she doesn't see what you said in this thread!!"
And go fuck yourself, lady. Jeezus H Christ.