one of my students asked why on TV after the election they only showed black people. I didn't think so, especially the crowd in Chicago. Did you guys see that?
Was he watching FOX?
Seriously, the crowd in Chicago was amazingly diverse.
I was watching Fox and the crowd shots were balanced: there may have been a few shots in a row that focused on black people, and and in any given shot you could easily see people of color, but it was mixed. I think there were many folks in the crowd up front especially who were non-white.
At first, Fox did a careful job of saying things that were high-road (I recall things like "No matter how you feel politically, this moment makes you proud to be American." "let's remember that he won overwhemingly ... there is NO affirmative action for the presidency"). The main anchor -- forget his name -- said a couple times in that Fox bombast kind of way "If you're conservative: get over it! This is how this country decided and we have to work together to move forward."
Later in their coverage -- after Obama's acceptance speech -- they trotted out some right wing wags/hags to talk about things like recent polls that indicate a LARGE percentage of the public who ARE NOT HAPPY with Obama, blah blah. It was spin-fricking-city. that's when I turned them off.
I normally do not watch Fox, but I heard their results were fastest among the networks. Also, I'm a big proponent of keeping tabs on the other guys via their media. It's good to know their talking points and how they think.