I'm re-posting this here because I'm utterly dumbfounded by it...
And in the spirit of Halloween -- Ralph Nader has completely lost his mind:
I mean, seriously -- WTF?? Nader and Gonzalez expect this to get them votes from WHOM, exactly? What a couple of putzes.
First off, I am voting for Obama b/c I want the Dems to get the WH back. That's my first priority. But that video and the Nader campaign in general do not bug me at all. (I think the video is kinda cool, actually, and the Nader campaign apparently has a lot of videos they've produced, not just this one: I just checked their site.) And I do not blame him for costing Gore the 2000 election (yes, you can prob point to specific voting results and say if these Nader votes had gone to Gore then W would not have been elected), but the idea of a viable third party (or fourth or fifth) is one we need. Gore didn't even win his "home state" of Tennessee in 2000: he ran a crappy campaign and didn't fight the Florida recount stuff that happened -- and the GOP took it away. Not Nader's fault.
Is Nader an insufferable egomaniac? most likely (Actually, I've heard he's quite an a**h***). And what's up with his choosing Gonzalez to run as VP? WTF is that about? I saw Gonzalez as a Chauncey Gardener type of candidate when he ran for mayor: his actual ideas and legislation were rather light compared to the gravitas attached to him by so many SF voters. "He's young and hip and liberal compared to that fascist Newsom." turns out Newsom is pretty liberal as well. Was that a surprise?
So anyway, a viable third party candidate (or fourth or fifth party candidate, etc) would be a great thing. They should be invited to the debates, and I'd like to see other folks besides the GOP and Dems in the Legislative branch. Of course, Obama better win the WH... or more to the point, the GOP better lose.