From a post on the NY Radio Message Board, apparently Oldies WWKB Buffalo has an all-time top 300 posted on their website with lots of typos:
There, I was amazed to see, at #6:
"Ode To Billy Joel" (his only appearanc on the chart)
Also, some other records of interest:
A record called "Call Me" by Frankie Valli is #116--anyone re-call that?
Meanwhile, a singer named Frankie Vall is at #114 with "Can't Take My Eyes Off You".
Pied no more, "The Pled Piper" is at #108.
Gary Lewis' "This" diamond ring has been upgraded to "THE Diamond Ring" while the Soul Survivors have given up in Buffalo traffic and are simply on "The Expressway". And the Byrds seem to be somewhere in Wales, perhaps, with "Eigh Miles High".
Have your own fun with this at:, I'm astounded that Cher's "You Better Sit Down Kids" is #300...