They have a producer. It's Charlene Goto (
@ProducerChar on Twitter). She's got her own Production company (!about/c4nz) which is certainly wise, considering the volatility of working at the shitshow that is KFOG right now.
I've never heard her on air. Her LinkedIn says she's done the production (starting with Sarah & Vinnie in 2002) for a while. Greg's LinkedIn shows a few more years under his belt, but he also grew more comfortable being on the air over the years.
All this is to say that maybe a lot of this came down to budget. Irish Greg, Renee, Annalisa, Webster, Dred -- they probably had (slightly) larger salaries than relative unknowns like Charlene and Alicia Tyler.
The stupidest thing in my mind though is that they probably had to pay a premium to get the "name recognition" of Matt Pinfield, whose biggest claim to fame was 120 Minutes that was cancelled back in 2003. Pinfield's Twitter had photos of ginormous crates of vinyl that he was shipping to California, which I'm sure KFOG sprung for. And both he and Tyler have talked about AirBNBs and temporary housing that they've stayed at in the city. Relocation expenses are not insignificant.
The biggest shame though is that I'm mainly just bored whenever I tune into KFOG. While this has been true musically for years, I think the only thing keeping it tolerable *was* Renee, Irish Greg, yes No-Name, and of course Annalisa, Webster and Dred.
Oh, and I know nobody else cares, but they're continuing to push the Pinfield's Playlist as a "thing". (I guess they paid for the fancily produced intros, so they want to wring every last cent out if it.)
They're not being diligent about tweeting it, but last Thursday Pinfield went into an overly long intro for Burning Sensations' "Belly of the Whale": "This band was founded by Tim McGovern of The Motels..." trying to make it sound like a huge rarity...
Except... Dave used to play this all the time on 10at10.