HM Four Tops. Seven numbers could straighten out my life too - if there were a dollar sign in front of them.
BOS "Miss" Jackie Moore -- why, did someone think she was a dude? "you been dealin' in dirt -- just WALLOWIN' in dirt, yes yah have!"
Mr Williams croons our first of 3 "Love Story"s, which means I never have to say I'm sorry. Or something.
More movie music: "Burning Bridges", from
Kelly's Heroes. Too bad Mike Curb was such an asswipe.
Hey, how 'bout a lay, er, a Lai? Frances arrives with "Love Story" #2. And Bobby Sherman has nobody to hold his tremblin' hand -- here's a VHM, bub.
Back-to-back divas with back-to-back BOSes: Miss Ross' fab "Remember Me" and Babs' career-changing "Stoney End"
BOS4 Mr C, doin' it old-school MOR and doin' it right, and that's not "Impossible". Unless Jody's got your girl. VHM Johnny Taylor, the natch'l wailer.