Peter Hartlaub has nice things to say about the Van Halen concert. Ali, were ya there?
Indeed I was. Thursday Sharks, Sunday concert. I watched with Sharks game in the bar before the show.
Eddie and Alex were amazing. Son Wolfie good too. Mr. Roth was in fine voice and mood. They really looked like they had fun and the guitar work was killer. I had fab seats in Sec 116 right at the bass side corner of the stage.
Eddie was sporting a wedding ring. Did he remarry or is it a remnant of Valerie? I think she was there because I chatted with a few people wearing sticker passes on their chests and they were her guests. It was LOUD. More so than other shows I've been to lately. Could have been the enormous speakers close by, my ears were ringing when I left.
Just read Hartlaub. OK, Val was there. Yes, Eddie performed bare chested with nice white pants and looked REALLY fit. David Lee was also very fit. Abs of steel on both. The crowd was 95% between 30-50ish. There were more long haired 80's type rocker guys than ponytials at a Dead show.
Merc review,