Author Topic: The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)  (Read 106897 times)


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The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)
« on: December 01, 2005, 02:50:37 PM »
Didn't see a thread for this kind of stuff:

A stunningly long and compelling review of a book about the Brill Building era that I didn't even know was out:
“The choir of children sing their song.  They've practiced all year long.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.”


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Re: The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, et
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2005, 02:57:56 PM »
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Didn't see a thread for this kind of stuff:

A stunningly long and compelling review of a book about the Brill Building era that I didn't even know was out:

Damn! gotta put that one on my must-read list, along with Donovan's autobio.
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Re: The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, et
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2005, 09:23:02 PM »
Quote from: "RGMike"
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Didn't see a thread for this kind of stuff:

A stunningly long and compelling review of a book about the Brill Building era that I didn't even know was out:

Damn! gotta put that one on my must-read list, along with Donovan's autobio.

BTW, Mike, have you ever given thought to putting your music musings in blog form?  From what you've posted our way, I've long felt you have a book inside you.

And I'm suddenly struck with the notion that *another* good book might be this: An "oral history" biography of the radio of the '70s, from the so far underexplored perspective of the fans.  I.e., us here.  I feel like I could send each of you a list of 15 artists/songs/genres, say "riff on this like you were hearing a radio playlist of it," take the responses and put everything in roughly chronological order, and have a volume that any music geek would completely salivate over.

Don't mind me; I'm just thinking out loud here.
“The choir of children sing their song.  They've practiced all year long.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.”


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Re: The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, et
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2005, 07:13:09 AM »
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Quote from: "RGMike"
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Didn't see a thread for this kind of stuff:

A stunningly long and compelling review of a book about the Brill Building era that I didn't even know was out:

Damn! gotta put that one on my must-read list, along with Donovan's autobio.

BTW, Mike, have you ever given thought to putting your music musings in blog form?  From what you've posted our way, I've long felt you have a book inside you.

And I'm suddenly struck with the notion that *another* good book might be this: An "oral history" biography of the radio of the '70s, from the so far underexplored perspective of the fans.  I.e., us here.  I feel like I could send each of you a list of 15 artists/songs/genres, say "riff on this like you were hearing a radio playlist of it," take the responses and put everything in roughly chronological order, and have a volume that any music geek would completely salivate over.

Don't mind me; I'm just thinking out loud here.

I've been thinking about blogging for some time; but time is the issue, if ya know what I mean.
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Da Capo
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2007, 06:28:02 AM »
It made my morning to find myself on this distribution list.  If any of you came across any excellent writing about music this past year, I'm all ears.

I'm the series editor for Da Capo Best Music Writing 2007. Every year I undertake the large but fantastic task of finding the best music writing of a year across many styles, formats and displines, but each year I am overwhelmed by the number of publications that run music coverage. I can't possibly read them all! I am hoping to enlist your help - send work for me to read!

This year, as in every year, I am looking for brilliant essays, profiles, news articles, interviews, creative non-fiction, fiction, book reviews, long-format reviews, blog posts, journal articles and the like. I am also excited to announce that I am accepting short album reviews for a special section of the book – please, if you are an editor of a magazine that runs a reviews section, email me with your reviews editor's contact information so I can get the ball rolling on this.

I ask you to please send your own best work, the work of your publication(s), great work of your friends and colleagues, and work that you have admired in passing throughout the year. You can send me email links, hard copies of articles, whole magazines (please paperclip/post-it the pages to read), or if need be, just the name/title/publication title/date and I will search the piece out myself. Feel free to mail/email me multiple times as you find more pieces that you love. I will be accepting work through the end of January.

{redacted address because I fear the spambots}

And finally, please feel free to forward this email widely to all of your contacts in the music writing and publishing community. I look forward to a deluge of mail from all of you in the very near future.

Thanks for another great year of writing,
“The choir of children sing their song.  They've practiced all year long.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.”


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The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2007, 02:05:12 PM »
Maybe this should be in the Gaz Self Indulgence thread but it's a print matter: Pazz & Jop '06 is out.

My ballot:

Hope you find it entertaining.
“The choir of children sing their song.  They've practiced all year long.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.”


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The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2007, 02:12:57 PM »
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Maybe this should be in the Gaz Self Indulgence thread but it's a print matter: Pazz & Jop '06 is out.

My ballot:

Hope you find it entertaining.

That Gnarls' album is only #5 is a shock; at least his single was #1.  Pipettes single DEF shoulda placed higher.
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The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2007, 02:18:45 PM »
PS: There was infighting and backbiting last week.  New Times sucks.

 Intrigue At The Village Voice: Leaked Pazz & Jop Essay The Work Of One Lone Nutbar or Village Voice Media Conspiracy?

Rachel Sklar |  Posted Monday February 5, 2007 at 03:35 PM

Last week, Gawker music blog Idolator broke a strange story: Apparently a rejected introduction to the Village Voice's venerable Pazz & Jop poll was leaked to the blog, and a strange and angry little rant it was, filled with venomous invective against uppity music blogs, their high-traffic parent companies, and that scourge of all media, NPR. It sort of burned your eyeballs to read it, frankly &mdah; here's a sample:

    "Although many of the stories referred to Pazz and Jop as a venerable and cherished institution, most of these media outlets had little or nothing to say about the poll in year's [sic]past, usually not reporting on it at all. They were only interested in our cultural treasure when someone tried to piss on it and they could add their own stream-of-conscience to the golden shower. NPR — an entity living off the teat of government subsidies and Ray Kroc's widow's transfat-drenched death money — decided there was a national story in a guy with a website doing a music poll just like the Village Voice"

Etc. etc. etc. But who wrote it? And who sent it? And more to the point, why? That is to say, it was ostensibly written by Bill Jensen, Village Voice Media (and Village Voice parent company) director of Web and digital operations and former editor of the Boston Phoenix . At first, Idolator was skeptical that anyone at an established media organization — much less corporate HQ — would write such a crazy, unhinged rant , but subsequent tips to the website suggested that it was, in fact, written by Jensen, had been submitted to Village Voice editor in chief David Blum and music editor Rob Harvilla, who elected not to publish it. We subsequently checked with Blum, who confirmed that the piece had been a legitimate submission: "I was submitted the piece for consideration and rejected it."

Under normal circumstances, that would have been that — except that someone decided to forward the screed to Idolator, weirdly the very same blog that had dared to start their own upstart poll, complained of so bitterly in the piece. Wow, that's embarrassing, especially after the Village Voice rejected the piece. Who would do such a thing?

Maybe...Bill Jensen? Idolator sussed out author info from the originally-emailed document indicating that the document came out of Denver; other sources have surmised that it was leaked from corporate HQ in Phoenix. Even without the leak, it's incredible to think that such an angry, defensive piece would have been sumbitted to the Village Voice, considering the tumult of the past year and the high-profile firing of Pazz & Jop founder Robert Christgau; it's also a surprising peek behind the curtain of top-down practices of Village Voice Media, submitting the piece as an introduction to the Village Voice in the first place, still a recent member of the New Times family, on a Village Voice feature that has evolved into a near-institution. And if Jensen — not some attention-hungry junior staffer, a top figure at Village Voice Media HQ — secretly sent it out for pickup after being turned down by the editors overseeing the package, it smacks of the kind of overweening, intrusive oversight that opponents of the Village Voice-New Times merger were so afraid of.

Anyhow, it's weird.

*Disclosure: I wrote a story for the Village Voice last November under the supervision of David Blum, but at no time did any draft contain the phrase "golden shower."
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old Bloom County strip
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2007, 10:36:42 PM »
Don't stand in the way of LOVE!


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The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2007, 12:59:55 PM »
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Maybe this should be in the Gaz Self Indulgence thread but it's a print matter: Pazz & Jop '06 is out.

My ballot:

Hope you find it entertaining.

i didn't know scritti politti was still making music! and i had no idea half of the groups i recognised (which was about twelve) released new albums last year.


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The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2007, 11:30:12 PM »
Michelangelo Matos vs. Betty Davis:
“The choir of children sing their song.  They've practiced all year long.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.”


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The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2007, 07:32:05 AM »
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Michelangelo Matos vs. Betty Davis:

I was rearranging/sorting CDs the other nite and discovered poc had burned me a copy of Ms Davis' LP -- I'd completely forgotten. Must listen pronto.
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The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2007, 09:34:51 AM »
Sly Stone speaks!  (To Vanity Fair, of all pubs.)
“The choir of children sing their song.  They've practiced all year long.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.”


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The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2007, 09:55:33 PM »
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Sly Stone speaks!  (To Vanity Fair, of all pubs.)

Everybody knows VF has the best coke.
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The Print Media Thread (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, etc.)
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2007, 06:51:52 AM »
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Michelangelo Matos vs. Betty Davis:

hmm...i'd agree with most of the criticism. but it's still fun. and raunchy fun, at that.