Last night, Autstrailian Pink Floyd at the Fox:
Note for note reproductions of mid-70s (mostly) Floyd. Nice light show, animation, stargate. First set started with some "Dark Side...", moved onto WYWH, and a couple from Animals ("Pigs" and "Sheep"). Everything note for note, even the whoa oh whoa whooooooaaaah female vocals on the Dark Side track -- which was actually pretty darned impressive. And then a "Floyd Mix Tape" where things spread out a bit, became a little more obscure at points (earlier/later Floyd, and what seemed to be a Simple Minds tune). Less note for note, but still pretty spot on.
Became bored and tired, left just a bit early (in the middle of "Wish You Were Here" -- it was pretty close to over then, I think).
All in all, a diverting evening, but you could pretty much get the same effect by playing your own cds really loud while watching
Roger Rabbit and
I, Robot on a nice tv...