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Messages - ggould

Pages: 1 ... 586 587 [588] 589 590
Quote from: "urth"
Just curious--anyone got an idea how many posts we've been averaging per day or per week on the old board? I couldn't venture an accurate guess but I'd have to think it's in the range of several hundred per day, and 4 figures weekly.

well, you can see from the front page that in the two days we've been testing, we've generated 240 posts.

I talked to my guy, and it looks like unless we do some really massive posting, or major other features, the $50/year package will be fine.

Quote from: "Rod"
Quote from: "RGMike"
Am I correct in assuming this board would cost us a lot less than the old one?  Not that I'm a cheapskate or anything...

We haven't gotten a bill yet from disc server, but it was two hundred last year.  Right now, this test forum is being hosted on one of Geoff's sites.  Probably we would need to get a seperate site going, so we don't use up all of Geoff's bandwidth/volume.  I don't know as much about it as Geoff, but you can get a site for considerably less than 200 bucks a year.  Plus, there is additional space for storing stuff, creating additional content, etc...

I'll talk to my ISP guy to calculate a wild estimate of how much space this kind of database takes up.  This kind of forum is available everywhere if we find some free space too.

Stream of Consciousness / Re: Elvis Costello at the Paramount
« on: January 24, 2005, 11:16:30 AM »
Quote from: "Rod"
Quote from: "urth"
I tried like hell to get some seats down close yesterday, only came up with back of the floor or balcony. I'll probably still go but gotta scare up tix.

Yeah, I'm not too sure that if my seats will be any good (row JJ on the floor).  I haven't been to the Paramount in ages.  On the plus side, I live in Alameda, so it's close.  And I've never seen Elvis. :)

Well, you're in for a treat on both counts!

some kind of dance thing, mainly girl singing put your hands all over my body

Stream of Consciousness / Beej's poll
« on: January 24, 2005, 10:21:05 AM »
Quote from: "Gazoo"

Are we taking a vote as to whether to stay here or go back to the old board?

Beej put up a poll earlier, but only three people voted.  Rod said he'd like to have a third choice, unsure.  I can redo a poll if you like

Stream of Consciousness / Re: Todays Year: Dead Air! (1992)
« on: January 24, 2005, 10:18:39 AM »
Quote from: "RGMike"
that's what I'm getting on both versions of the stream at 10:03.

If you don't think it's a nazi thing, I can change the topic of your first post to include 1992, so the thread makes more sense?

Stream of Consciousness / Dirty Laundry, BOS?
« on: January 24, 2005, 08:29:04 AM »
bubble headed bleach blonde

(not sure if I'm mondegreening) :lol:

Stream of Consciousness / Re: ChiTown '82
« on: January 24, 2005, 08:18:59 AM »
Quote from: "RGMike"
Yikes! Asia, "Only Time Will Tell", followed by Rush, "New World Man".

because Bob often plays older sets than Dave, sometimes I tend to think they can be more special, but I guess '82 is '82.

I do like Emminence Front though!

Stream of Consciousness / Bob Weir's cousin
« on: January 23, 2005, 07:50:36 PM »
Quote from: "Gazoo"

And I hope you told Bob Weir his cousin Beej said hello!

I've often wondered!  But since I'm so gullible, who knows?

In Memoriam, Happy Birthday / showing some pretty funny clips on NBC now
« on: January 23, 2005, 07:49:00 PM »
young Steve Martin, and many others

Stream of Consciousness / report from Anaheim
« on: January 23, 2005, 06:53:31 AM »
Not with a bang, but a whimper.

I discovered last night that I've been walking on a opened blister on my big toe.  I have this nerve condition that masks pain, but it manifests itself elsewhere.  I still have to get a bass out of the convention center and drive home today.

So, here's a picture of me and Bob Weir.

Most of the long lines for autographs were for people like this:

This is the guitarist from Slayer.  Lots of metalheads/punkers/thrashers down here.

Wish me luck, it's going to be a long day.

Stream of Consciousness / don't forget about Mick Ronson
« on: January 22, 2005, 09:40:12 PM »
I certainly could be wrong, but I thought he was straight, and had to do all this glammy stuff w/Bowie as part of the act.  As a matter of fact, what about the whole glam movement?

Stream of Consciousness / Re: RGMike
« on: January 21, 2005, 09:42:49 PM »
Quote from: "RGMike"
no censorship on THIS forum! (obviously)

I saw a word filter backstage, and thought about replacing the f word with fred, just for old times sake, but decided against it.

Stream of Consciousness / my daughters both had T-mobile
« on: January 21, 2005, 09:24:14 PM »
it didn't work for them very well, now on Verizon, which isn't perfect either.  I think it depends on where you use it the most. :roll:

Stream of Consciousness / speaking of stay or go...
« on: January 21, 2005, 11:00:50 AM »
I need to get to the convention center; have missed ah hour so far!

I'll check in later.

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