Main Discussion Area > Stream of Consciousness

I'm tryin' to tell you somethin' 'bout my life

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A thread for personal ramblings that have little or nothing to do with music.

Such as this: As some of you know, I'm from a very small town.  Glassport, PA is a town of about 4,000 people; 16 bars and 17 churchs.  Former steeltown with no industry to speak of; its "business district" spans about two blocks.

And now, closer to one block: Some stupid who lives in an upstairs apartment was huffing lighter fluid (yes), spilled some, then lit his crack pipe as he was dozing off.  The ensuing fire burned down a couple buildings and hopelessly damaged several others, including some of the places that hold some of my oldest childhood memories, like the donut shop my late grandma sometimes took me to.

I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach when my brother emailed me the news.  Fucking hey.

I just finished scrubbing down my ancient refrigerator.  (How ancient?  There's an icebox within the fridge instead of a separate door for frozen goods.)  Now my hands smell like the fridge.  This cannot be a good sign.

Gaz, your friendly neighborhood schmomosexual


--- Quote from: "Gazoo" ---I just finished scrubbing down my ancient refrigerator.  (How ancient?  There's an icebox within the fridge instead of a separate door for frozen goods.)  Now my hands smell like the fridge.  This cannot be a good sign.

Gaz, your friendly neighborhood schmomosexual
--- End quote ---

I used to have one of those (an ancient refridge, not a shmomosexual). It was older than me and I finally got rid of it in 1984 (when I was 29).   And my uncle who lived next door (and had lived thru the depression) was incredulous that I had replaced "a perfectly good refrigerator".

Mark, you're the only other Clubber who knew him as far as I know, but I'm posting to all.

I just got a phone call I did not expect to get.  My best friend, Kenneth Brandon Potter, died last night at the age of 35 from heart failure.

I have never lost anyone this close to me, this important to me, before.

May he rest with the peace that he wished for all of us.

I love you, Brando.


--- Quote from: "Gazoo" ---Mark, you're the only other Clubber who knew him as far as I know, but I'm posting to all.

I just got a phone call I did not expect to get.  My best friend, Kenneth Brandon Potter, died last night at the age of 35 from heart failure.

I have never lost anyone this close to me, this important to me, before.

May he rest with the peace that he wished for all of us.

I love you, Brando.
--- End quote ---

Words are inadequate, my friend.  :cry:   Hang in there.


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