Can I just vent a sec:
One of my big grammar pet peeves is the improper use of "it's" when the correct usage is "its." I fear that the distinction between the two is becoming excessively blurred due to large percentage of people who don't know the diff. I am seeing "it's" (the contraction of "it is") used in place of "its" (the possessive case of "it") many many places that should know the diff. I see this as another symptom of the dumbing down of our society as a whole, and it kinda bugs me. Sometimes a lot.
And to be clear, I'm not just talking about FB posts and other casual communications. I'm talking about things like this article, last graf: is fucking CNN, for crying out loud. It is supposedly a major news agency. It, if anything, should have higher standards, and know and practice this relatively simple point of grammar.