Ugh. That was awful. I wish I had known it was an encore; it would have saved
me the pain of listening to it again.
I consider 1977 one of the worst years for popular music, and this selection of
hits did nothing to challenge that notion. From a song that as much as anything
marks the long decline of the once-great Clapton to the closer of a tired and
listless Neil Young performance, this set was an exercise in the unnecessary
from start to finish.
All this on a day when I was feeling a bit down and could have used a little
pick-me-up. Even a second cup of French roast didn't help. (And I hadn't even
heard about the circus in Boston yet. If you think my opinions on Bruce and
Neil are unpopular, just ask me about those events.) 10@10 used to be an
uplifting event. On many down days, it perked me up and helped me feel better.
On good days it could send me soaring. Now it's often another source of
frustration. If they start replaying RR 10@10 sets instead of having Rosalie
host them, I may go totally Mudhead and cut the soles off my shoes, sit in a
tree, and learn to play the flute. (That's a Firesign Theatre reference, BTW.)
Wearing the grumpypants, the grumpyshirt, AND the grumpysocks today...