last call for getting yer greetings recorded by AL...
I would do it but I can't even leave a decent voicemail without pulling a Bridget Jones...
No worries, I represented for the gang again this year. But you'll have to forgive me if I didn't give everyone shoutouts by name. I called in this afternoon at about 3pm, and I was sitting in my car in a Burgerville parking lot in Tualatin, so didn't really have a chance to jot down a list of names or anything. After my first run-through AL realized who I was (not too many cheesemakers from Oregon in her listening audience I guess), so she suggested I take another whack at it and I'm glad I did. The re-do was a bit more coherent, and I dropped in the name of our cheese biz, at her suggestion.
However, I'm kinda bummed that I also forgot to mention that I got my Xmas gift back in November when the Giants won the Series. Oh well.