Oh. My. Gawd. I can't imagine anyone on any 10@10 has played this ever. BOS3 Cher, The Way of Love.
ETA: Is this a Paul Williams composition?
Nope, Jack Dieval & Al Stillman.
But! I discovered that Cher released this song on an album in '71 (Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves) and again on another one in '73 (Half Breed) as well as *two* greatest hits albums that came out in '72 and '74 (both on MCA). So Dieval and Stillman must have been just rakin' in the royalties during those years.
ETA: Scratch Half-Breed, at least on the original release. Digging deeper it appears it was a bonus track on a latter-day rerelease, but not when it originally came out. However it was on two different best-ofs released two years apart. Weird.