Yup, No Doubt's breakthrough was 14 years ago. Oof.
And if you'd told me then that Gwen Stefani would become such a media icon that Carly Fiorina (in the last year of her HP tenure) would trot her out on stage at her CES Keynote speech as her celebrity du jour, I'd have said you were certifiable.
indeed, her post-ND popularity baffles me. "Hollaback" and "Rich Girl" are easily 2 of the most annoying songs of the last 20 years.
I should add that I witnessed this with my own eyes in 2005, and aferwards I was one of a handful from the audience pulled aside to give HP's on site Mktg team immediate feedback, in return for a $10 bill. And at least two others in addition to me wondered if Gwen's appearance might not fall under the category of 'damning with faint praise', compared to the much higher profile celebs coming out on stage with Microsoft, Intel, etc.