Another semi-backtrack: this afternoon KFOG played the version of M&S's "Little Lion Man" with the f-bomb. This was followed by Airborne Toxic Event "Changing" & Moby's "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad"...KFOG was sure on a roll. But, then they blew it next with screamy Jet that we heard on 10@10 today.
KFOG's commercial for "Friends with Benefits" is probably the most risque thing I've heard on the station. I can imagine it's going after the younger demo.
Was in Colo. this weekend & got to listen to KBCO -- now THAT is one snoozy AAA station. Maybe I'm just spoiled with the new KFOG, but I don't even remember the "old" KFOG being that bland, just repetitive. The afternoons were especially painful. It didn't sound like a real station with a real flow, it sounded more like an iPod on random with the most overplayed AAA currents & recurrents. Ginger did no help in making things interesting either, in fact it seemed like her voiceovers were also part of the shuffle (and her voice was a little too gruff to be coming from someone called "Ginger," methinks...)