still plays the Iridium Club monday nights, I hear.
We got to see him there some years ago. It was real special. He even stopped and talked/joked with us for a minute.
I regret never having seen him when I lived in NY, but I'll be there in July, and maybe I'll stop if he's still around..!
I've been to NY twice in the past 10 years, and passed on Les both times, once for cost (he gets like a $40 cover--stupid me), and once because of a prior engagement. Hope I have a reason to get there again while he's still performing. Jeez, he's older than Don Pardo (but Les is only commuting from Jersey, not Arizona)!
Just read his wiki bio--it says he is Steve Miller's godfather, and Les gave "Maurice" his first guitar lesson. Wow--wonder what the connection was?