best-known as the principal in Breakfast Club...
"Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?"
That SF Gate bio isn't nearly as interesting as the IMDb one, which says he played football at Florida State with Robert Urich, studied acting under Lee Strasberg, was friends with Jack Kerouac & was married to Monty Hall's daughter.
Personally, I'll always remember him from
Die Hard...
"This is Deputy Chief Dwayne T. Robinson, and I am in charge here."
...and then later the two FBI guys show up & relieve him of command only to be blown to bits when Hans Gruber blows up the roof & their helicopter with it, allowing him to deadpan:
"They're gonna need some more FBI guys, I guess."
...and of course upon seeing Hans Gruber fall from the 30th floor he gets to say:
Oh, I hope that's not a hostage."