Boz et al got BOS, but she was shocked that the Beatles got no Best o' set votes from the fogheads. Could be an indication of how good some of the other songs were, or it might be that TBOJAY is not a particularly strong Beatles song.
I'd vote for both of those factors. It's funny, cause I was thinking of knee-jerk BOSing the Beatles (yay), but then I thought, no, this song really isn't very good, and is mainly notable for predictable overreaction by zealots thinking John is back on his bigger than Jesus kick again.
I think it's a good song, but it's very much a FF, and possibly LN as well. At any rate, it gets a
lot of play, and I think the many other strong songs in today's set that aren't heard as often
simply caught people's attention.
The other Beatles alternatives would come from Abbey Road, and just about everything on
that album gets a lot of play as well. 1969 is one of the best years with loads of overlooked
material, and evergreens like the Beatles get overplayed.