Author Topic: Marathon on Saturday June 25, 2005  (Read 3035 times)


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Marathon on Saturday June 25, 2005
« on: June 25, 2005, 08:32:02 AM »
reading the paper, 1990 in the background, when I start to recognize some lyrics.  The line from the Byrds "Everybody's Been Burned" is repeated over and over:
Everyone has been burned before, everybody knows the pain
Everyone has been burned before, everybody knows the pain
Everyone has been burned before, everybody knows the pain
Everyone has been burned before, everybody knows the pain
So I look up the list, and it's the Charlatans UK.  Maybe I missed this before, since they're not my bag, but has anyone ever noticed this before?  Are the two worlds too far apart?

Everybody has been burned before
Everybody knows the pain
Anyone in this place can tell you to your face
Why you shouldn't love someone

Everybody knows it never works
Everybody knows and reads
I know that door that shuts just before
You get to the dream you see

I know all too well how to turn, how to run
How to hide behind a bitter wall of blue
But you die inside if you choose to hide
So I guess instead I'll love you

(from Younger than Yesterday, 1967)
Don't stand in the way of LOVE!


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Marathon on Saturday June 25, 2005
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2005, 11:47:44 AM »
Hmm, never noticed that before, Geoff, but I'm not sure how familiar I am with the Byrds song. Have to see if I have it anywhere & give a listen.

Slept in & only caught the 76 and Pride sets this morning, enjoyed the latter more than the former. Man, that was one long set, particularly considering the first song was maybe a minute long. There was a clip between nearly every cut though, so that'll stretch it out a bit. Was wondering where Dave got the clips of people mourning their friends and lovers who had succumbed to HIV, if they were from a TV news story/documentary or if perhaps he had actually interviewed people at an AIDS quilt memorial. Such heartrending testaments, in any case--the fellow who had lost his partner of 18 years three days before--man, that's just brutal. Fine set though--as moving as any Dave has created. Glad I was able to hear it again without the distraction of working.

Off to run some errands--gotta see about my cell phone. The last couple of weeks, everyone I talk to sounds like they're crinkling cellophane next to the receiver (cue the Flash Bazbo, Space Explorer!) Have a good weekend, gang!
Let's get right to it.


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« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2005, 12:19:47 PM »
Quote from: "urth"
Hmm, never noticed that before, Geoff, but I'm not sure how familiar I am with the Byrds song. Have to see if I have it anywhere & give a listen.

It's not musically the same song at all, but jeez, lyrically that's too many words is a row to be coincidental, as far as I'm concerned.  It's either a tip of the hat, or at least a subconscious lift.  I can send it to you if you don't find it.  One of David Crosby's best songs.  That reminds me, what about "Triad?"  Would that have fit into the Pride set?
Don't stand in the way of LOVE!