VHM Major League. A movie I went into with no expectations (the trailers had made it look like Police Academy-plays-baseball) and was pleasantly surprised, starting with the opening credits, scored to Randy Newman's "Burn On Big River" Cleveland, city of light! City of magic!
I liked that movie more than most as well. The big, earnest actor who played the catcher has a twin brother that I knew when I was at UCSB.
I saw Randy Newman open for James Taylor once, outdoor venue, in the mid 80's, and when he played "Burn On Big River" he told the audience that they spared no expense on special effects, and then he got a red spotlight on the backdrop as he led into:
There's a red moon rising
On the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lakeThis was the same summer as the big Jacksons reunion, and he said something to the effect of "eat shit Jacksons!"