well, that was Healy, and I never knew Hiatt wrote "Angel Eyes"!
(it's a Hiatt set alright)
No mention of 3DN tho'... Did the set just start really late?
I could swear I heard the Theme Thursday bit before the song started & it was about 10 after. Was your post made after the back-announce? Cuz there was more Hiatt after that methinks.
So I called in and Inessa said that if she had any prizes to hand out that she'd give me one, because I was the only one who caught her. She had cued up the wrong track, meaning instead to play "Sure As I'm Sitting Here", which was the first Hiatt song recorded by another artist.
Wow, I never knew that either!
It's funny, I didn't actually know it myself, but when Inessa said that she cued up the wrong track she said, "I meant to play...uh, which one was it...aack I can't think of it now...it was..."
And in a flash it just came to me that it had to be "Sure As I'm Sitting Here", which I said so & she said yeah thanks. Later I looked it up just to verify & saw that it was the premier Hiatt cover, entering the charts a couple months after his debut album in '74 (the timing part Inessa had down btw). Which prompted a conversation about not just how many had covered Hiatt, but how long ago his career started.