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Messages - Big Fingers McGee

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Thursday, June 9, 2016

 1. Say It Right – Nelly Furtado
 2. The Perfect Crime – Decemberists
 3. Heart’s A Mess – Gotye
 4. Heart Of Soul – Beth Orton
 5. Wonderful World – James Morrison
 6. Song For You – Alexi Murdoch
 7. New Shoes – Paolo Nutini
 8. See The World – Gomez
 9. You Belong To Me – Ben Taylor (Son of Carly Simon and James Taylor)

Proving that one can do a set from 2006 and not have it be chock-full-o-LNs

Stream of Consciousness / Re: KFOG, But Not 10@10
« on: June 10, 2016, 12:36:06 PM »
Ever since DM left, the morning show has always been the weakest link

I had a soft spot for Tim Jeffreys, but yeah, I'd have to agree. Webster was a poor man's DM, and the rest has been one giant clusterf***

The New 10@10 / Re: 10 June 2016: It's...Superman!
« on: June 10, 2016, 12:34:42 PM »

TV: Superman (1966 Opening)
1. R.E.M., Superman, 1986
-Movie: Superman
2. Spin Doctors, Jimmy Olsen’s Blues 1991
-Movie: Superman
3. Three Doors Down, Kryptonite, 2000
-Radio: Up, up and Away! (Bod Colyer)
4. Willie Nelson, Superman, 2009
-Movie: Man of Steel
5. Five for Fighting, Superman (It’s Not Easy), 2001
-Movie: Superman
6. The Kinks, (wish I Could Fly Like) Superman, 1979
7. Jim Croce, You Don’t Mess with Jim, 1972
-Movie: Superman
8. Johnny Guitar Watson, Superman Lover, 1976
9. Bon Jovi, Superman Tonight, 2010
-TV: Adventures of Superman
10. Rick Springfield, I’m your Superman, 1973
Bonus track: Johnny Wakeland & the Kinshasa Band - Laugh Superman (a tribute to Muhammad Ali)

I'm thinking the bonus is in fact "Black Superman".

BOS to the Spin Doctors
Somewhat surprising that "Kryptonite" never made 10@10, in fact I don't think 3DD ever did. Never understood the hate for them.

Capital Gold, other Internet Radio / Re: Casey Kasem American Top 40
« on: June 07, 2016, 05:33:22 AM »
Thanks for posting the list, Tinka. Just goes to show you how many great pop options for almost any pop chart never or very rarely make it to 10@10. I think the only FF on this list are 5, 12, 32, 37 and 39.

Stream of Consciousness / Re: Pinfield's Playlist
« on: June 06, 2016, 12:04:03 PM »
More boringness:

* May 26 - celebrating the @SanJoseSharks in the #StanleyCu Finals w/ a song about #Sharks. - ?

Only thing I can come up with is B.O.C.'s Shooting Shark. Otherwise I got nothin'.

(Oh wait, Dickie Goodman's Mr. Jaws. But what are the chances of that?)

or Wailing Souls, "Shark Attack" which was a KFOG mainstay when  it was current back in the early '90s.

There is also the Split Enz' "Shark Attack", which is probably too alternative for today's KFOG.

The New 10@10 / Re: 18 May 2016: it's 2000
« on: May 20, 2016, 11:32:07 AM »
#10 is kind of snoozy to end the set, but I really liked the Gorillas song & the NSYNC one which was huge but I rarely hear anymore.

Also, I disagree with the previous comments, in that I'd actually like to hear more 2000s sets. IIRC we definitely didn't get them once a week was closer to once a month. Going about 10 years back seems like a good rule of thumb.

2000 sets could be interesting, but the problem is that most of the songs used (at least KFOG's) 10@10s are still in heavy rotation.  If some lesser exposed hits / deeper cuts were used, I think it could work out.

100% agreed. I’d prefer the 2000 sets to feature songs that aren’t commonly heard on KFOG or other stations. Songs that were big hits but not big recurrents would be ideal. For that matter, I’d prefer all sets to be like this, but of course it’s easier for the pre-90s sets.

As I've opined many a time, the move forward in time is inevitable, but that doesn't mean the newer sets have to be dumbed down. Quite the opposite in fact.

Stream of Consciousness / Re: KFOG, But Not 10@10
« on: May 18, 2016, 11:55:09 AM »
Quote from: RGMike
Funniest line of the week, in re: Pinfield's constant name-dropping - "He's like a star-fucker who doesn't actually get to fuck stars."


Re: Rosalie's return under a more constrained playlist, one keen reader of the SFGate article noted this on the Save KFOG! page:
Quote from: Dave Abston
Also got a kick out of this: "Schock said that Howarth will continue to program the show with the caveat that 'the music will skew a bit more into the now. There will be very little ’60s, ’70s and ’80s stuff'... 'I would never abandon one specific decade, but I look forward to freshening the sound while staying true to the spirit of the show,' Howarth said. 'There is lots of excellent unplugged music in every genre from every decade.'” So is she basically telling Schock to piss off? Pass the popcorn!

Re-reading the article -- yeah, it does seem like Howarth is directly flaunting Schock's (Cumulus's) mandate. Good for her! (Although this also could be creative reporting/editing to create conflict where there is none.)

Oh, this was posted to that page a few hours ago, and is perfect:
Quote from: Tim Basuino
The "new" KFOG: Where you can listen to songs Alice 97.3 stopped playing 15 years ago.

Well, I do have a well-received line every now and then.

Stream of Consciousness / Re: KFOG, But Not 10@10
« on: May 16, 2016, 04:00:17 PM »
Don't they teach this in business school? (don't ask me, I didn't attend)

Need to create buzz, but don't have any actual ideas? Then rebrand! Bring the old back in and pretend it's new!

Hadn't it already happened with Webster and Irish Greg in earlier regimes?

The New 10@10 / Re: 13 May 2016: Hits From Hell
« on: May 14, 2016, 11:51:00 AM »
Youtubed "Agadoo" this morning - all I can say is that "Hit From Hell" is appropriate... the wife commented "Sounds like a Kidzbop song without a source".

The New 10@10 / Re: 13 May 2016: Hits From Hell
« on: May 13, 2016, 01:25:50 PM »
4 - Agadoo!, Black Lace (evidently, I def had to rely on google for this one.  Never heard it before, hope never to hear it again.)

Where the hell did he find this one? And was it ever on the radio?

One thing I've noticed in all of the sets Dennis has done this week is that his deep cuts are beyond deep, they're downright unheard. I hate to say that's a bad thing, but I think there's a certain level of obscure familiarity that even the deep cuts need to have. They should have been on top 40 or progressive FM radio at some point, even if it was for less than a month. This song is case in point. Neither Rod nor I have any memory of hearing it; I'll be anxious to know of RGMike knows it.

I've often mentioned that a set often needs at least one song that most are familiar with (an LN, if you will) in order to 'ground' the set - otherwise many listeners will be lost. I don't really have an issue with the "no plays", unless the set consists of nothing but.

Tue 4/26/16: First Dance Wedding Songs

"It's the first song you dance to as man and wife!!! Tonight's 10@10 is all about First Dance Wedding Songs."

 1. Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight
 2. Led Zeppelin - All My Love
 3. Journey - Faithfully
 4. Wings - Maybe I'm Amazed
 5. Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is
 6. The Rolling Stones - Wild Horses
 7. Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun
 8. Queen - You're My Best Friend
 9. Peter Frampton - Baby, I Love Your Way
10. David Bowie - Heroes

"Heroes"? Seriously?

Stream of Consciousness / Re: KFOG, But Not 10@10
« on: April 20, 2016, 09:57:52 AM »
Listened very briefly this morning, heard the new host refer to how excited he was to be at KFOX, and how much he loved San Francisco and the Bay Area. Yep, he said KFOX.

Stream of Consciousness / Re: KFOG, But Not 10@10
« on: April 12, 2016, 10:48:25 AM »
as to the music mix, clearly this is to be a "next-gen" Triple-A. I mean, 1990-to-now is 26 years of "gold" to choose from. And the endless repetition of Cars/Police/TFF was was of the most annoying things about KFOG the last year or so (well, that and the 5-times-a-day recurrents; songs that are at minimum a year old).

Yep. I don't have a problem so much with the updating of the music (with apologies to those who want to hear 60's and 70's all of the time)... It's the callous handling of the staff which gets up my crawl (and I suspect most others).

Stream of Consciousness / Re: KFOG "Evolution"
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:56:10 PM »
What I don't understand is why "they" are waiting three weeks to start the new format.
Presumably this change was planned, so why isn't it happening on Monday, or some time
next week.  What's to be gained?

The only thing I can think of is that yesterday was 3/31, the last day of the first quarter. Yep, a stretch.

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