10at10 Club

Main Discussion Area => KFOG's 10@10 => Topic started by: RGMike on July 04, 2005, 10:27:24 AM

Title: Mon 7/4/05 -- Happy Fourth!
Post by: RGMike on July 04, 2005, 10:27:24 AM
It's 10 at.... 9:52!

Rosalie kept promo-ing it as "A special 4th of July 10@10", so I wondered if Dave had whipped up something new, or maybe was going to unearth his July 4th "British Invasion" set from a decade or more ago.

Turns out it's the umpteenth replay of the "Brass Set". Nice to hear (lovin' dat Lucy MacEvil!), but not exactly as advertised.

"Morey you just so damn bad!"
Title: post 10@10
Post by: ggould on July 04, 2005, 10:57:21 AM
well, it made my day to hear "Livin' in the USA" and "US Blues" this morning.  I used to blare "Volunteers" and Hendrix' "Star Spangled Banner" but not that many people around me appreciate my special brand of obnoxiousness anymore!
Title: Re: post 10@10
Post by: RGMike on July 04, 2005, 11:38:25 AM
Quote from: "ggould"
well, it made my day to hear "Livin' in the USA" and "US Blues" this morning.  I used to blare "Volunteers" and Hendrix' "Star Spangled Banner" but not that many people around me appreciate my special brand of obnoxiousness anymore!

Ha!  That was a nice little "USA" set that also featured X doing "4th of July".  (I kinda expected Dave's set to be along those lines -- he's done it before, IIRC).

Wait... what's this? a prerecorded liner from Dave just said "You're listening to the Labor Day edition of the KFOG Variety Show." Damn, time sure flies around here! LOL!
Title: Mon 7/4/05 -- Happy Fourth!
Post by: RGMike on July 04, 2005, 08:21:09 PM
There were at least 2 other 10@10s during the "Variety Show": I caught the beginning of an early '70s Soul Patrol and the end of a "guilty pleasures" rerun.