The VHMs keep comin': The J-5 go Broadway on "Corner of the Sky", from Pippin. Motown was a major investor in that show -- coincidence? And the Four Tops begin their big ABC Records comeback with "Keeper of the Castle". But Bread's "Sweet Surrender" is a major flashback. I remember seeing Steve & Eydie do a cover of it on the Merv Griffin show!
I had no use for The Osmonds in late '72; I thought "Crazy Horses" was a silly-sounding attempt by them to sound "heavy", and Merrill just yells -- but honestly, I didn't find out until decades later that it was a song about cars and pollution. Mormon environmentalists! Who knew?
Yeah, there's something wrong with Austin Roberts, alright. And -- sorry, Gaz -- uber-WOS to an all-time HFH, "Funny Face". Saccharine country-pop at its worst, and that affected little-girliness in her voice could cause diabetes and toothaches simultaneously. Truly horrid.