10at10 Club

Main Discussion Area => Stream of Consciousness => Topic started by: mshray on November 06, 2008, 09:39:30 AM

Title: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on November 06, 2008, 09:39:30 AM
Now that the election itself is concluded I thought we needed a thread just on this ongoing topic.

From Yahoo News today, on why 8 passed.  It's now becoming clear that increased turnout among blacks & hispanics - who overwhelmingly voted both for Obama & Yes on 8 - turned the tide. But in conclusion the analyst wrote:

Gays did win some victories yesterday. A new openly gay member of Congress, Jared Polis of Colorado, will go to the House in January. And thanks in part to the Cabinet, the group of elite gay political donors I wrote about recently, Democrats took the New York senate. The entire New York legislature is now in Democratic hands, and New York's governor, David Paterson, is one of the nation's most eloquent pro-marriage-equality representatives. He is also, by the way, African American. Perhaps he can help bridge the gap between gays and blacks that widened on Nov. 4.

This is a bridge that desperately needs to be built.  I'm daydreaming about what it would take to get Bishop Tutu & Nelson Mandela out here to explain to African Americans in CA why, though black South Africans largely hated the practice of gay marriage, they approved it anyway, because, as Desmond Tutu said, "Equality does not exist on a sliding scale."
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 06, 2008, 09:45:03 AM
Now that the election itself is concluded I thought we needed a thread just on this ongoing topic.

From Yahoo News today, on why 8 passed.  It's now becoming clear that increased turnout among blacks & hispanics - who overwhelimngly voted both for Obama & Yes on 8 - turned the tide. But in conclusion the analyst wrote:

Gays did win some victories yesterday. A new openly gay member of Congress, Jared Polis of Colorado, will go to the House in January. And thanks in part to the Cabinet, the group of elite gay political donors I wrote about recently, Democrats took the New York senate. The entire New York legislature is now in Democratic hands, and New York's governor, David Paterson, is one of the nation's most eloquent pro-marriage-equality representatives. He is also, by the way, African American. Perhaps he can help bridge the gap between gays and blacks that widened on Nov. 4.

This is a bridge that desperately needs to be built.  I'm daydreaming about what it would take to get Bishop Tutu & Nelson Mandela out here to explain to African Americans in CA why, though South Africans largely hated the practice of gay marriage, they approved it anyway, because, as Desmond Tutu said, "Equality does not exist on a sliding scale."

Amen, brotha!

One of the more disgusting aspects of the 2004 election was the way Bush made inroads into the black community with his same-sex marriage Constitutional Amendment.  Lots of black churches let themselves be used by the Bush people.  So, um, you're getting in bed with an administration that DOESN'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT YOU the rest of the year, over an issue that affects the quality of your life NOT ONE IOTA? Praise Jeebus!

ETA: it's been said many times: if all the gay people disappeared tomorrow, most black churches would suddenly find themselves without choir directors and half their choirs.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on November 06, 2008, 09:48:33 AM
Now that the election itself is concluded I thought we needed a thread just on this ongoing topic.

From Yahoo News today, on why 8 passed.  It's now becoming clear that increased turnout among blacks & hispanics - who overwhelimngly voted both for Obama & Yes on 8 - turned the tide. But in conclusion the analyst wrote:

Gays did win some victories yesterday. A new openly gay member of Congress, Jared Polis of Colorado, will go to the House in January. And thanks in part to the Cabinet, the group of elite gay political donors I wrote about recently, Democrats took the New York senate. The entire New York legislature is now in Democratic hands, and New York's governor, David Paterson, is one of the nation's most eloquent pro-marriage-equality representatives. He is also, by the way, African American. Perhaps he can help bridge the gap between gays and blacks that widened on Nov. 4.

This is a bridge that desperately needs to be built.  I'm daydreaming about what it would take to get Bishop Tutu & Nelson Mandela out here to explain to African Americans in CA why, though South Africans largely hated the practice of gay marriage, they approved it anyway, because, as Desmond Tutu said, "Equality does not exist on a sliding scale."

Amen, brotha!

One of the more disgusting aspects of the 2004 election was the way Bush made inroads into the black community with his same-sex marriage Constitutional Amendment.  Lots of black churches let themselves be used by the Bush people.  So, um, you're getting in bed with an administration that DOESN'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT YOU the rest of the year, over an issue that affects the quality of your life NOT ONE IOTA? Praise Jeebus!

You should talk to my dad - who spent nearly 30 years ministering to the black community in North St. Louis - about this.  Of course you'd be preaching to the choir, but he could tell you things that he has seen first hand from the black clergy that would just bowl you over.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on November 06, 2008, 03:44:21 PM
Didn't Sylvester get his first fuck by a guy in his church?

Also worth noting is the amount of money the Mormons poured into the Yes side of that race - which has spawned a movement to demand that they lose their tax-exempt status.

My rage is focused on people like this - and I hope all five of their sons turn out gay.


Pam and Rick Patterson have always followed teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints and tried to live within their means.

He drives a 10-year-old Honda Civic to his job at Intel. She is a stay-at home mom
who makes most of the family meals and bakes her own bread. The couple, who have
five sons between the ages of 3 and 12, live in a comfortable but modest three-bedroom
home in Folsom.

It's a traditional lifestyle they believe is now at risk. That's why the
Pattersons recently made a huge financial sacrifice – they withdrew $50,000 from
their savings and donated it to the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign, the ballot measure
that seeks to ban same-sex marriage.

"It was a decision we made very prayerfully and carefully," said Pam Patterson,
48. "Was it an easy decision? No. But it was a clear decision, one that had
so much potential to benefit our children and their children."
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 09, 2008, 11:23:06 AM
FYI: Olbermann will be doing a Special Comment Monday nite on the subject of Prop 8.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on November 10, 2008, 09:13:06 AM
Gaz, I've been reading that NY is likely to approve gay marriage now that the Dems took control of the state senate there to go along with a pro-gay marriage governor & a Dem-controlled state assembly (and neighboring CT already approved it).  What are you hearing?
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on November 10, 2008, 01:42:44 PM
Gaz, I've been reading that NY is likely to approve gay marriage now that the Dems took control of the state senate there to go along with a pro-gay marriage governor & a Dem-controlled state assembly (and neighboring CT already approved it).  What are you hearing?

I knew that Governor Paterson was an ally, but I haven't been hearing any conversation at all, actually.  Would be a phenomenal step - and a point of reassurance for one of my co-workers (who's too good to be a cow orker) who just got married in SF in September.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 10, 2008, 08:00:44 PM
FYI: Olbermann will be doing a Special Comment Monday nite on the subject of Prop 8.

Just saw it; it was excellent. Look for it on YouTube or the MSNBC website.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: ggould on November 10, 2008, 08:39:09 PM
FYI: Olbermann will be doing a Special Comment Monday nite on the subject of Prop 8.
Just saw it; it was excellent. Look for it on YouTube or the MSNBC website.
I decided to just embed it in my blog; it's so good, it's so passionate.

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: SFGuy on November 11, 2008, 01:50:46 AM
I didn't know the Governor of California (or Calee-fornia) was against Prop 8.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 11, 2008, 07:43:28 AM
I didn't know the Governor of California (or Calee-fornia) was against Prop 8.

I didn't vote for him (twice) but Ah-nuld ain't so bad.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 11, 2008, 09:44:44 AM
Gaz, I've been reading that NY is likely to approve gay marriage now that the Dems took control of the state senate there to go along with a pro-gay marriage governor & a Dem-controlled state assembly (and neighboring CT already approved it).  What are you hearing?

I knew that Governor Paterson was an ally, but I haven't been hearing any conversation at all, actually.  Would be a phenomenal step - and a point of reassurance for one of my co-workers (who's too good to be a cow orker) who just got married in SF in September.

Check out this piece on a NY State Senator -- a Dem -- who's also a Pentcostal minister in the Bronx and (naturally) rabidly anti-gay:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 11, 2008, 12:21:34 PM
Can you work in musical theater and be anti-gay? Apparently:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 11, 2008, 08:26:06 PM
Nearly forgot Jon Stewart's comment on Prop 8: He told his audience that while Calif voters banned gay marriage, they passed Prop 2, "which guarantees that chickens have enough leg room... so clearly Californians are amenable to some cock."
Title: Jim Burklo's comments
Post by: ggould on November 11, 2008, 09:17:38 PM
the musings of a religious person who did not go along for the Yes on 8 ride:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on November 12, 2008, 12:15:00 PM
Can you work in musical theater and be anti-gay? Apparently:


Or maybe not: he's resigned as of this morning.


Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on November 12, 2008, 01:07:44 PM
Can you work in musical theater and be anti-gay? Apparently:


Or maybe not: he's resigned as of this morning.


And there it is - the explanation: He's a Momo.

Lisa West, regional spokeswoman for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said Eckern is a member "in very good standing" and the Mormon church supports his decision to resign.

The laughable thing is that he claims that he offers loving support to his lesbian sister who is in a committed relationship.  "Sis, I love ya, but your relationship is just theologically inferior to mine!  You can understand that, can'tcha, sis?"

In the past, I have expressed to dubious friends and colleagues a willingness to compromise: I'd settle for "civil union" instead of "marriage" IF AND ONLY IF those civil unions carried the EXACT SAME rights and responsibilities as straight marriages.  But in their current practice, they're demonstrably not exactly the same, not least because a marriage is recognized no matter what state you're in while a civil union is not.

There are two protests here in NYC on this matter this week: one tonight in front of the Mormon temple @ Columbus and 65th (which I'll miss because of work) and one Saturday at City Hall (City Hall has nothing to do with this, but the organizers couldn't get a park permit on short notice).  I think this is a good thing; the Momos' success in Cali only stands to encourage them to take their message of judgment to NY, CT and beyond.  I refuse to let that happen.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 12, 2008, 01:35:24 PM
There are two protests here in NYC on this matter this week: one tonight in front of the Mormon temple @ Columbus and 65th .

I used to work around the corner from there, when ABC Radio was at 1926 B'way. There was a greasy-spoon burger joint on the ground floor of the Mormon building, and we used to refer to it as "Latter-Day Burger".
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 14, 2008, 09:47:50 AM
Dave Morey himself will be at the Prop 8 protest tomorrow!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on November 14, 2008, 11:44:49 AM
Dave Morey himself will be at the Prop 8 protest tomorrow!

Wow! Did he say so on air, or was he listed by the protest's organizers?
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 14, 2008, 12:01:58 PM
Dave Morey himself will be at the Prop 8 protest tomorrow!

Wow! Did he say so on air, or was he listed by the protest's organizers?

Renee mentioned it in her "things to do" blurb shortly before 10.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: darryl on November 14, 2008, 12:09:22 PM
When one of the organizers of the protest was on, I believe Dave said that he was going to be at the San Rafael courthouse tomorrow.

I was kind of sleepy, but I think that's right.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on November 15, 2008, 12:14:46 AM
Well, I'll be: The Jefferson Starship's new lead singer, Cathy Richardson, is a recently married lesbian, and so Prop 8 becomes personal for the Jefferson family:




SAN FRANCISCO, CA:  Rock musician Cathy Richardson and her spouse Rachel Rose Regan have vowed not only “to have and to hold as long as love shall last,” but also to “stand up for the right of same-sex couples to wed.”  Richardson and Regan were married in a private ceremony above Napa, CA on October 29, 2008.  Universalist Minister KK Ledford officiated the sunrise ceremony in a hot air balloon over Napa Valley, witnessed by a small group of family and friends.

Singer-Songwriter Richardson is best known for her starring role as Janis Joplin in the original off- Broadway, Chicago, San Francisco and Arizona casts of Love, Janis. This year, she became lead singer and released an album with the legendary rock band Jefferson Starship, who she met in 2007 on tour singing with Janis Joplin’s original band, Big Brother and the Holding Company.  Richardson is a regular on the popular music education television series, Jack’s Big Music Show (Noggin) and was a nominated for a GRAMMY in 2004 for her self-released album, the Road to Bliss (Cash Rich Records).  Ms. Regan heads the couple’s clothing line, Shining Shakti, which specializes in hand-dyed, organic cotton yoga apparel. The couple met and fell in love two years ago when Regan was working as an ad exec for the San Francisco production of Love, Janis.

Richardson and Regan were able to legally marry just days before the November 2008 election where the controversial Proposition 8 was on the California ballot to “eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry.”  While Proposition 8 passed by a slim margin, the couple’s legal marriage remains intact and Richardson says they are “determined to continue to stand up for the right of same-sex couples to enjoy the same legal and societal benefits of civil marriage afforded to heterosexuals.”

The couple was recently spotlighted in the British newspaper The Telegraph in a story about the Proposition 8 vote: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/uselection2008/3384493/Proposition-8-ballot-to-ban-gay-marriage-set-to-pass-in-California.html

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: SFGuy on November 15, 2008, 01:10:52 AM
How San Francisco voted for the measure. Some neighborhoods actually passed it overwhelmingly:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 15, 2008, 11:03:32 AM
How San Francisco voted for the measure. Some neighborhoods actually passed it overwhelmingly:


not a surprise, as there are a LOT of very conservative Asians in SF (for one example).  If you live in the city and watch a decent amount of cable, you saw TONS of commercials for an Asian woman running for Supervisor who promised to "save SF for families", which I saw as rather transparent code for you-know-what.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: SFGuy on November 15, 2008, 05:48:36 PM
How San Francisco voted for the measure. Some neighborhoods actually passed it overwhelmingly:


not a surprise, as there are a LOT of very conservative Asians in SF (for one example).  If you live in the city and watch a decent amount of cable, you saw TONS of commercials for an Asian woman running for Supervisor who promised to "save SF for families", which I saw as rather transparent code for you-know-what.

I'm Asian and I'm pretty sure while some of my relatives voted for Barack Obama. They also supported Prop. 8. These people (some cousins) are God fearing folks.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on November 15, 2008, 06:45:16 PM
For those of you who are on Facebook (and I think that should be all of you), I've just uploaded the pix I took during this afternoon's City Hall rally (search for me @ J0seph McC0mbs).  A good time was had by all.  Crowd in the (I think) low thousands, supportive tourists in double-decker buses, kind assistance from the police, and lots of clever approaches to this social problem.  It was a warming day.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 15, 2008, 10:10:42 PM
For those of you who are on Facebook (and I think that should be all of you), I've just uploaded the pix I took during this afternoon's City Hall rally (search for me @ Joseph McCombs).  A good time was had by all.  Crowd in the (I think) low thousands, supportive tourists in double-decker buses, kind assistance from the police, and lots of clever approaches to this social problem.  It was a warming day.

What I want to know is -- where were all these "Separ-8 is not Equal" and "I'm Against H8" signs in SF before the election?

BTW, I'm under the impression that Facebook doesn't want my demographic -- am I wrong?
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on November 15, 2008, 11:38:25 PM
BTW, I'm under the impression that Facebook doesn't want my demographic -- am I wrong?

In a word, yes. In the last 8 to 10 months or so, Facebook has made significant inroads to the middle-aged, baby-boomer demographic. It can be a major time-suck, but it's also fun, and a good way to reconnect with people you never thought you'd hear from again. Give it a go. Gaz, Alicat, Geoff, Tinka, and I are on there. (Am I forgetting anyone? If so, apologies.)
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on November 17, 2008, 09:42:24 AM
What I want to know is -- where were all these "Separ-8 is not Equal" and "I'm Against H8" signs in SF before the election?

I can only suppose that people underestimated the urgency of the Mormons', Catholics', and African Americans' get-out-the-yes-vote efforts.  A wake-up call, to be sure.

I blogged about Prop 8 and this weekend's rallies today.  Tried not to let my grumpiness shine through.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 17, 2008, 09:53:10 AM
What I want to know is -- where were all these "Separ-8 is not Equal" and "I'm Against H8" signs in SF before the election?

I blogged about Prop 8 and this weekend's rallies today.  Tried not to let my grumpiness shine through.

But your grumpiness is part of your natural (freak) charm. Nicely written, as always.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 17, 2008, 10:51:59 AM
BTW, Gaz: your latest blog entry shows up at this link:


But not this one:


I've tried refreshing the latter but i still get "Friday Funtime".
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on November 17, 2008, 11:00:24 AM
Must be a cache thing; it's loading correctly on my end.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on November 17, 2008, 11:07:40 AM
Great blog post in any case.  I like your angle on how your love can't be inferior.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 19, 2008, 10:34:31 AM
If you were thinking this is the perfect time to make fun of Mormons... Trey Parker & Matt Stone have beat ya to the punch. They've already skewered the LDS on South Park; now they've written a musical!

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on November 19, 2008, 03:08:14 PM
State Supreme Court to hear challenges to Prop. 8

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: darryl on November 19, 2008, 09:52:24 PM
I'm Asian and I'm pretty sure while some of my relatives voted for Barack Obama. They also supported Prop. 8. These people (some cousins) are God fearing folks.

Whoa, another Asian Foghead -- I thought me and my wife were the only ones. :-}
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 21, 2008, 01:16:29 PM
Prince hates the gays?

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on November 21, 2008, 05:22:22 PM
Prince hates the gays?

possible misquoting?  sez Perez:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on November 21, 2008, 10:54:54 PM
Prince hates the gays?

possible misquoting?  sez Perez:


"when she called his people to fact check, it turned out she had several factual inaccuracies ..."  Forgive my confuzzlement, but isn't the fact-checking phone call the time to CORRECT the "factual inaccuracies" before they make it into print?  Just sayin'.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 24, 2008, 08:43:55 AM
interesting recollection, inspired by seeing Milk, of a writer who dissed Anita Bryant in a Southern newspaper back in '77... and paid the price:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 24, 2008, 09:23:58 AM
"oh, but we're reasonable homophobes -- we're not like those other crazy hateful homphobes at all!"

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on November 24, 2008, 11:35:20 AM
Gang, please see my post on The Movie Thread (http://10at10club.com/forum/index.php?topic=287.1005) about where you should NOT see Milk.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 26, 2008, 11:54:52 AM
Maybe I missed it in more, er, mainstream media, but I didn't know about this until I saw it in the Enquirer (!) while standing in the check-out line last nite. Wanda Sykes is out'n'proud and pissed about Prop 8!


Right on, sistah!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on December 01, 2008, 04:33:59 PM
Friends, this is a really long entry, but you may recall that our connection to KBCO came after I had a business trip to Denver & my cousin Jerome there recommended I check it out.  Jerome is a radiologist and a Major in the USAF, honorably discharged in 2000, and on inactive reserve (after going AF-ROTC through med school).  As I've mentioned elsewhere, he came out 3 yrs ago to my dad.

This is what happened to him 2 weeks ago when he attended a Madonna concert with his boyfriend and a straight female friend.  I've since gotten his permission to publicize this widely if in doing so it can lead to positive change.  Your thoughts along this line are welcome.

16 November 2008

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Jerome Schroeder.  I am a 40-year-old physician in Denver, CO and have practiced Diagnostic Radiology, primarily detecting breast cancer, in the downtown Denver area for over 6 years. 

Although I knew I was gay since high school, I only came out publicly, first to friends, then to my family, three years ago.  I have lived for the last two-and-a-half years with my boyfriend, George, who is hoping to enter Pharmacy School next fall. 

On the evening of November 12 of this year, I attended the Madonna concert at the Pepsi Center in Denver with George and several other friends, many of us having always wanted to see Madonna.  I’ve heard that she refused to play Denver dates after Colorado passed anti-gay legislation Amendment 2 in the early ‘90s and I believe this was the first time since then that she played here.

About ˝ of the way through the concert, I believe that I and my boyfriend (and by association, one female friend with us) were the victim of a hate crime, or at least, discrimination based on our sexual orientation. 

We arrived about 30 minutes before Madonna started playing and had two drinks while watching the arena fill.  When Madonna began we took our seats in the club level.  George sat to my right and our (straight) friend Sacha sat to his right.  We were in the last row in our section with our backs against a wall (there were only about 8 or 9 rows in the section). 

In front of us was what appeared to be a heterosexual couple attending the concert together:  he was directly in front of me, and she was directly in front of George.  From the very start of the concert, the male seemed agitated.  He turned to us frequently in the first 30 minutes of the concert and several times said ‘Fucking faggots!’ under his breath, but loud enough for us to hear.  Early in the concert, I accidentally dripped a few drops of water from the last of my drink and he turned and screamed at me.  I told him to relax, turn around and enjoy the concert. 

Although the couple never stood during the concert (despite nearly everyone else in the arena doing so) he left his seat several times, each time yelling ‘Fucking faggots!’ as he left.  George later told me he feared that he would be waiting for us after the concert and that he may provoke a confrontation.  We were relieved, then, when, about and hour or so into the concert, they both left and were gone for 15 minutes or so.  We thought they had left for good.

It was at this time that Denver Police officers, presumably off-duty cops working the concert, entered our row and motioned for all three of us to follow them. 

When they got us to the common area behind the seats, they informed us that ‘The Pepsi Center would like you to leave.’  They would not tell us why.  They would not tell us what we must have done to deserve this.  They said that a complaint had been filed, but wouldn’t tell us who filed it or what it said.  They continued to tell us to leave, then, because I was the most vocal about wanting information, they focused on me (there were about 9 of them) and told me to leave or get arrested.  I held out my hands and said ‘Arrest me!’ which they promptly did.  The panic in George’s eyes as they led me away will stay with me forever…I called out to him to leave and call a lawyer friend of ours and that I’d get hold of him when I could.  My rights were never read to me.

Two officers led me to the holding area in the Pepsi Center.  The one on my left had a name badge, which said ‘R. Frank.’  The one on my right did not have a name badge, so I repetitively asked him for his name…he ignored me. 

The holding area had a small cage and I was the only one in it.  Directly in front of the cage was a desk at which R. Frank sat filling out paperwork.  The other officer was to my right (outside of my cage) in a little sitting area, seemingly fascinated by whatever was on a TV bolted to the wall near the ceiling in the corner.  I continued asking him for his name (I particularly remember him staring at a McDonald’s commercial while I kept asking for his name) and he continued to ignore me.  I was, of course, cuffed this entire time.

After about 20 minutes or so (I had been arrested at about 10:30p and I think it was a little after 11 by then) other Denver Police officers arrived to take me ‘downtown.’ 

During the transfer of custody, my cuffs were switched and the officer whose name I still didn’t know started screaming at me, his face inches from mine, telling me ‘Never fucking interrupt me when I’m on my phone!’ while poking me in the chest with his finger.  When I informed him that I simply wanted to know his name, he kept screaming at me and poking me in the chest.  I responded by telling him to stop touching me (my hands were cuffed behind my back the entire time).  Finally, he yelled his name at me, claiming his last name was Belou…I have no way of verifying this at this time.

I was then put into a ‘paddy wagon’ and taken downtown where I was booked and fingerprinted.  I finally was released after I posted $100 bond and my fingerprints passed a national database.  I walked home at 5:30am the next morning. 

I received a yellow citation for my arrest and I am formally charged with ‘trespassing.’  Again, they did not read me my rights and did not charge me with anything else.  They did not do a breathalyzer on me or accuse me of drunkenness, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest or anything else.  I have not seen the police report or the alleged complaint filed against us.  George and Sacha left the Pepsi Center without being charged with anything.  The police confiscated George’s and my tickets, but Sacha refused to give up hers.

One of my friends who attended was sitting in a row 7 or 8 in front of us and didn’t see us get removed.  However, Sacha got him while I was being arrested and he did see me get led away.  He is a concierge at the Pepsi Center but was only attending the concert that night.  He got our tickets for us, which I paid for with a credit card.  Since the incident, he has asked around at work and has discovered that the complaint was filed by the girl of the couple who claimed that I (or someone) ‘shoved’ her.  At no time did any of us have any interaction with her.  I personally couldn’t even tell you what color her hair or skin was. 

I am convinced that the complaint filed against us was because the male of the couple in front of us had either a problem with George and I being gay (and occasionally showing basic affection) or with gay people in general.  I have no idea why he would attend a Madonna concert, but, as mentioned earlier, neither he nor his companion stood once during the concert and neither seemed to be enjoying it (Madonna doesn’t have an opening act; just her).  Although I haven’t seen the complaint, on the ticket I was given the ‘complainant’ line is signed by “Jessica St-----“(I can’t make out the last name).  I don’t know if she was the girl in front of us or not, but I presume she was, as they re-took their seats once we were removed.

I was humiliated, embarrassed and terrorized by the entire experience and truly feel that it was initiated by the couple in front of us and their fear or anger at homosexuals.  The police did not follow Pepsi Center protocol (according to my concierge friend) which requires them to get our side of the story (at least) and trying to resolve the issue, usually by reseating one of the two parties.  And, as I’ve mentioned earlier, they did not read me my rights.  A trespassing charge, I’m told, is a ‘generic’ charge that is filed if someone refuses to leave when asked to by a cop.  However, I had a legal ticket to the concert and was sitting in my assigned seat.

I am angry with the couple in front of us who filed a false charge, the police who handled the situation (particularly the two who led me away), the Denver Police Department in general, the Pepsi Center and the city of Denver.  George and Sacha are also still traumatized by the whole event.  As insignificant as it may sound, Madonna was a childhood heroine of Sacha’s and she has waited her whole life to see her perform.  That dream was shattered that night, too. 

I feel that, at minimum, our civil rights were violated and, if the complaint filed against us mentions anything about our sexuality, this was a hate-crime.  The Denver Police Department, the City of Denver and the Pepsi Center obviously do not have the proper protocols in place or training in handling these types of situations.  By the way, while I was in jail, I met two young Hispanic gay males (friends, not lovers) who were also arrested at the Madonna concert, one being accused of stealing a white woman’s purse.  The purse was apparently located un-stolen.  Nevertheless, they were both arrested.  And, at a Proposition 8 protest in Denver which we attended yesterday, I met two others who were arrested at the Madonna concert apparently because they had Mexican ID’s (which were valid) but the cops ‘didn’t like how they looked.’  I don’t know what they were charged with.  I also have a gay black friend who, upon hearing my story, related that just last Sunday, as he walked at night down a downtown Denver street with a cane (a prop, not a medical device), Denver police stopped him because someone ‘reported a black man with a sword…’  George and I are white (as is Sacha) so I don’t think that Denver police are racially motivated necessarily, but I also don’t think that the Hispanics arrested at the Madonna concert were given the option of leaving as I was.  But it does seem as though there is an anti-gay attitude.  Denver is otherwise quite tolerant of gay folks and has a fairly large gay community.

I’m writing this to you as an appeal for your advice and support.  While I am not necessarily interested in a large civil monetary settlement, I do feel that there are ongoing injustices against gays in Denver, which are being ignored and/or allowed to happen (or even propagated) by the very people we trust to protect us.  It is an outrage that we were disrespected as we were and I would like to pursue action to the point that changes are made.  Minimally, I would like to be compensated the cost of our tickets (about $600) my costs of incarceration and bail (about $190) and whatever legal costs I incur to clear this charge (my attorney estimated about $2500).  I would also like a formal apology from the Pepsi Center and the Denver Police Department, a formal reprimand for the two police officers who arrested me and a review by the Pepsi Center and the Denver Police Department of their policies for removing people at events.  I would also like the couple in front of us, should they prove to be the ones who submitted the complaint against us to be charged with filing a false police report. 

I apologize for the length of this story, but I wanted to be as detailed as possible.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.

Best Regards,

Jerome S. Schroeder, MD
2532 Glenarm Place
Denver, CO  80205
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on December 01, 2008, 05:09:33 PM
Friends, this is a really long entry, but you may recall that our connection to KBCO came after I had a business trip to Denver & my cousin Jerome there recommended I check it out.  Jerome is a radiologist and a Major in the USAF, honorably discharged in 2000, and on inactive reserve (after going AF-ROTC through med school).  As I've mentioned elsewhere, he came out 3 yrs ago to my dad.

This is what happened to him 2 weeks ago when he attended a Madonna concert with his boyfriend and a straight female friend.  I've since gotten his permission to publicize this widely if in doing so it can lead to positive change.  Your thoughts along this line are welcome.

Jeezus H. Christ, Mark. That is beyond appalling. His rights and those of his partner and friend were absolutely violated that night, and I hope he is successful in pursuing this through the courts. Just goes to show what a bubble we live in, and why we have a long way to go to put things like Prop. 8 in the past. I hope he contacts the ACLU and asks for their assistance in taking this as far as need be to get some justice.

And what did those two expect at a Madonna concert in the first place?!?!?
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on December 01, 2008, 05:20:36 PM
Friends, this is a really long entry,...

incredible.  Like urth says, I hope they can pursue legal action to address what happened.  It sounds like the couple and the cops were of like minds, and all the cops needed was a reason to act on their own personal phobias.  Were there witnesses in Jerome's row who could testify or give statements as to what really happened?  Maybe a lawyer who pursues this for Jerome could subpoena a list of ticket holders from the arena.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on December 01, 2008, 05:29:18 PM
I'm sickened by this (and selfishly glad to be in my bubble - it's taking my last reserves to not make hateful blanket statements about Middle America and law enforcement).  I hope Jerome is able to get some measure of justice by taking his story public.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on December 01, 2008, 06:49:49 PM
Jerome should tell Madonna about this -- seriously. 

Say what you want about her, but she is a gay rights proponent and this kind of injustice at her own performance will probably get her attention.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on December 01, 2008, 07:44:47 PM
Jerome should tell Madonna about this -- seriously. 

Say what you want about her, but she is a gay rights proponent and this kind of injustice at her own performance will probably get her attention.

Good point -- she'd certainly have something to say about it.  Absolutely disgusting, and unlike Gaz I have NO qualms about damning Middle American hatemongers to Hell. They can all kiss my ass.

Mark, who did he send that letter to? The ACLU, GLAAD and the HRC would be good starting points. Also -- howthefuck can they charge you with "tresspassing" at a concert for which you bought tickets??
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on December 01, 2008, 07:46:45 PM
Jerome should tell Madonna about this -- seriously. 

Say what you want about her, but she is a gay rights proponent and this kind of injustice at her own performance will probably get her attention.

Good point -- she'd certainly have something to say about it.  Absolutely disgusting, and unlike Gaz I have NO qualms about damning Middle American hatemongers to Hell. They can all kiss my ass.

Mark, who did he send that letter to? The ACLU, GLAAD and the HRC would be good starting points. Also -- howthefuck can they charge you with "tresspassing" at a concert for which you bought tickets??

the trespassing charge comes about when you refuse to leave the premises.  If they say "leave" and you don't, you're trespassing.

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on December 02, 2008, 10:34:50 AM
This is what happened to him 2 weeks ago when he attended a Madonna concert with his boyfriend and a straight female friend.  I've since gotten his permission to publicize this widely if in doing so it can lead to positive change.  Your thoughts along this line are welcome.

About ˝ of the way through the concert, I believe that I and my boyfriend (and by association, one female friend with us) were the victim of a hate crime, or at least, discrimination based on our sexual orientation. 

If he moves forward with publicizing this, there will doubtless be discussion as to whether what he experienced was a hate crime.  I say yes: even though there was no physical violence, there was direct intimidation whose intent was to send a message to an entire class of people.  "Hate crime" seems a widely misinterpreted term (I'll throw up next time I hear someone counterargue, "ALL crimes are hate crimes"); what is needed, I suspect, is a class of crime denoted "categoric intimidation," or better words to that effect - a parallel to "ethnic intimidation."
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on December 02, 2008, 11:40:05 AM
Here's my last word on the subject for now:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Lightnin' Rod on December 02, 2008, 01:02:46 PM
Friends, this is a really long entry, but you may recall that our connection to KBCO came after I had a business trip to Denver & my cousin Jerome there recommended I check it out.  Jerome is a radiologist and a Major in the USAF, honorably discharged in 2000, and on inactive reserve (after going AF-ROTC through med school).  As I've mentioned elsewhere, he came out 3 yrs ago to my dad.

This is what happened to him 2 weeks ago when he attended a Madonna concert with his boyfriend and a straight female friend.  I've since gotten his permission to publicize this widely if in doing so it can lead to positive change.  Your thoughts along this line are welcome.

Jeezus H. Christ, Mark. That is beyond appalling. His rights and those of his partner and friend were absolutely violated that night, and I hope he is successful in pursuing this through the courts. Just goes to show what a bubble we live in, and why we have a long way to go to put things like Prop. 8 in the past. I hope he contacts the ACLU and asks for their assistance in taking this as far as need be to get some justice.

And what did those two expect at a Madonna concert in the first place?!?!?

Echoing everybody else's sentiments here.  Just horrible. 
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on December 03, 2008, 09:29:39 AM
"Day Without a Gay," Dec. 10 (http://www.daywithoutagay.org/)
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on December 03, 2008, 09:43:12 AM
"Day Without a Gay," Dec. 10 (http://www.daywithoutagay.org/)

as Assmussen said in a strip a couple years ago: "in other news, 'A Day Without Homosexuals' closes the nation's Catholic Churches".
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on December 03, 2008, 10:49:19 AM
OMG this is great: "Prop 8 the Musical" -- written by Marc Shaiman of Hairspray and South Park fame, with an all-star cast! (it's only about 3 mins long)

Title: back in 1992
Post by: ggould on December 04, 2008, 11:14:16 PM
when the Dead went to Colorado, Deadheads financed this billboard:
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on December 10, 2008, 08:31:25 PM
On the way home tonight, there was an anti-Prop 8 march on Valencia St (in conjunction with "A Day Without a Gay").  Best sign I saw in the crowd:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on December 11, 2008, 10:22:01 PM
On the way home tonight, there was an anti-Prop 8 march on Valencia St (in conjunction with "A Day Without a Gay").  Best sign I saw in the crowd:

ROTFL!  That's classic!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on December 23, 2008, 09:31:25 AM
Jerry Brown reverses himself, asks CA Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8 (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/12/20/MN6514RNVU.DTL)
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on January 03, 2009, 11:21:17 AM
This is going on right now today, for those of you in SF who feel urged to action on the same-gender-marriage movement.

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on January 07, 2009, 03:28:27 PM
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on January 07, 2009, 04:39:24 PM
For anyone interested in Kenneth Starr's defense of Prop 8, a little background.  (http://www.411mania.com/politics/columns/93699/Starr-Dreck-II:-The-Wrath-of-Ken.htm)
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Alicat on February 08, 2009, 10:00:04 PM
...Yet, on December 19, 2008, Ken Starr and the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund filed legal briefs defending the constitutionality of Prop 8 and seeking to nullify the 18,000 same-sex marriages conducted between May and November of 2008.

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in this case on March 5, 2009, with a decision expected within the next 90 days. We, the undersigned, ask that the Court invalidate Prop 8 and recognize the marriage rights of these 18,000 couples -- and all loving, committed couples in California -- under our state's constitution.

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 03, 2009, 08:12:04 AM
Iowa -- FREAKIN' I-O-WAH! -- rules gay marriage should be legal!!

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on April 03, 2009, 09:51:04 AM
Iowa -- FREAKIN' I-O-WAH! -- rules gay marriage should be legal!!


I'm gobsmacked. That's amazing. Althought I'd bet that the Prop 8 gang is wasting no time in mounting an initiative there to do what Prop 8 did in CA.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on April 03, 2009, 10:25:54 AM
Iowa -- FREAKIN' I-O-WAH! -- rules gay marriage should be legal!!


I'm gobsmacked. That's amazing. Althought I'd bet that the Prop 8 gang is wasting no time in mounting an initiative there to do what Prop 8 did in CA.

Not that many Mormons in Iowa (or Catholics, or Baptists for that matter, at least as a % of the population).  Not gonna have the same indigenous support.  And because of the attention they get with they're presidential caucases, Iowans are generally quite suspicious of outsiders telling them what sort of politics they should support.  For them it's usually the other way around. 

Imagine it's 2012, and all the Repugnican candidates have to pander to this issue they way they all do to ethanol.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on April 03, 2009, 10:29:09 AM
Iowa -- FREAKIN' I-O-WAH! -- rules gay marriage should be legal!!


Iowa debt of thanks.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 03, 2009, 10:31:36 AM
Iowa -- FREAKIN' I-O-WAH! -- rules gay marriage should be legal!!


I'm gobsmacked. That's amazing. Althought I'd bet that the Prop 8 gang is wasting no time in mounting an initiative there to do what Prop 8 did in CA.

Not that many Mormons in Iowa (or Catholics, or Baptists for that matter, at least as a % of the population).  Not gonna have the same indigenous support.  And becasue of the attention they get with they're presidential caucases, Iowans are generally quite suspicious of outsiders telling them what sort of politics they should support.  For them it's usually the other way around. 

Imagine it's 2012, and all the Repugnican candidates have to pander to this issue they way they all do to ethanol.

But there *are* lots of Fundies, and as thrilled as I am that this has happened it is a court ruling on a law that *did* get passed, presumably because of those very same Fundies. So not to be a pessimist, but it ain't over in Iowa.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Lightnin' Rod on April 03, 2009, 10:41:12 AM
Iowa -- FREAKIN' I-O-WAH! -- rules gay marriage should be legal!!


Iowa debt of thanks.

Hah!  Well played.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 03, 2009, 03:35:50 PM
Iowa -- FREAKIN' I-O-WAH! -- rules gay marriage should be legal!!


I'm gobsmacked. That's amazing. Althought I'd bet that the Prop 8 gang is wasting no time in mounting an initiative there to do what Prop 8 did in CA.

Not that many Mormons in Iowa (or Catholics, or Baptists for that matter, at least as a % of the population).  Not gonna have the same indigenous support.  And becasue of the attention they get with they're presidential caucases, Iowans are generally quite suspicious of outsiders telling them what sort of politics they should support.  For them it's usually the other way around. 

Imagine it's 2012, and all the Repugnican candidates have to pander to this issue they way they all do to ethanol.

But there *are* lots of Fundies, and as thrilled as I am that this has happened it is a court ruling on a law that *did* get passed, presumably because of those very same Fundies. So not to be a pessimist, but it ain't over in Iowa.

On the other hand, per the NYTimes:

"Iowa has a history of being in the forefront on social issues. It was among the first states to legalize interracial marriage and to allow married women to own property. It was also the first state to admit a woman to the bar to practice law and was a leader in school desegregation."

The state legislature would have to amend the state's constitution in order to make gay marriage illegal again.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on April 03, 2009, 05:17:14 PM
Iowa -- FREAKIN' I-O-WAH! -- rules gay marriage should be legal!!


I'm gobsmacked. That's amazing. Althought I'd bet that the Prop 8 gang is wasting no time in mounting an initiative there to do what Prop 8 did in CA.

Not that many Mormons in Iowa (or Catholics, or Baptists for that matter, at least as a % of the population).  Not gonna have the same indigenous support.  And becasue of the attention they get with they're presidential caucases, Iowans are generally quite suspicious of outsiders telling them what sort of politics they should support.  For them it's usually the other way around. 

Imagine it's 2012, and all the Repugnican candidates have to pander to this issue they way they all do to ethanol.

But there *are* lots of Fundies, and as thrilled as I am that this has happened it is a court ruling on a law that *did* get passed, presumably because of those very same Fundies. So not to be a pessimist, but it ain't over in Iowa.

On the other hand, per the NYTimes:

"Iowa has a history of being in the forefront on social issues. It was among the first states to legalize interracial marriage and to allow married women to own property. It was also the first state to admit a woman to the bar to practice law and was a leader in school desegregation."

The state legislature would have to amend the state's constitution in order to make gay marriage illegal again.

Wow, let's hear it for Iowa, the Berkeley of the Great Plains. Who knew?
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 07, 2009, 12:31:22 PM
And now Vermont has legalized gay marriage -- overriding the (GOP) governor's veto:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on April 07, 2009, 01:09:25 PM
And now Vermont has legalized gay marriage -- overriding the (GOP) governor's veto:


the most important sentence in that article:

"Vermont has no mechanism for a citizen referendum to override the law."
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 07, 2009, 01:27:18 PM
And now Vermont has legalized gay marriage -- overriding the (GOP) governor's veto:


the most important sentence in that article:

"Vermont has no mechanism for a citizen referendum to override the law."

and no "activist judges" were involved -- it was hilarious to see the right-wing machine fuming about those (Republican-appointed) judges in Iowa last week.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on April 09, 2009, 01:54:36 PM
Has anyone seen this new "Gathering Storm" ad from the marriage inequality folks?  I got an email from the Courage Campaign about it, which included a link to view it. 

Yeesh!  The audacity of these people to portray themselves as the victims of a conspiracy to take away their rights is just astonishing.  They also try to co-opt the term 'Rainbow Coalition'.

fwiw, my 9-yr-old saw most of it, and at first he couldn't catch all of what they were saying.  He said that he thought it might be a trailer for the upcoming Harry Potter movie because the roiling dark clouds in the background made the people complaining about gay marriage look like they were all followers of Voldemort!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on April 09, 2009, 02:17:14 PM
Has anyone seen this new "Gathering Storm" ad from the marriage inequality folks?  I got an email from the Courage Campaign about it, which included a link to view it. 

Yeesh!  The audacity of these people to portray themselves as the victims of a conspiracy to take away their rights is just astonishing.  They also try to co-opt the term 'Rainbow Coalition'.

fwiw, my 9-yr-old saw most of it, and at first he couldn't catch all of what they were saying.  He said that he thought it might be a trailer for the upcoming Harry Potter movie because the roiling dark clouds in the background made the people complaining about gay marriage look like they were all followers of Voldemort!

Is that the one that uses the Weather Girls' "It's Raining Men"? Yeah, I had a tough time figuring out which side they were advocating.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on April 10, 2009, 07:49:00 AM
I wish I could call it funny.  But I'm getting furious:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 10, 2009, 08:11:14 AM
I wish I could call it funny.  But I'm getting furious:


Mr Morford nails it, as usual:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on April 10, 2009, 08:26:46 AM
I wish I could call it funny.  But I'm getting furious:


Mr Morford nails it, as usual:


and from examiner.com:

Fear mongering from The National Organization for Marriage
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 10, 2009, 08:33:52 AM
I wish I could call it funny.  But I'm getting furious:


Mr Morford nails it, as usual:


and from examiner.com:

Fear mongering from The National Organization for Marriage

That was impressive, not just because it debunks the (false) claims in the spot, but because the Examiner is owned by a right-wing Chrstian billionaire.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on April 10, 2009, 09:46:03 AM
I wish I could call it funny.  But I'm getting furious:


Mr Morford nails it, as usual:


and from examiner.com:

Fear mongering from The National Organization for Marriage

That was impressive, not just because it debunks the (false) claims in the spot, but because the Examiner is owned by a right-wing Chrstian billionaire.

Here's the remix I was talking about:
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 10, 2009, 09:50:30 AM
I wish I could call it funny.  But I'm getting furious:


Mr Morford nails it, as usual:


and from examiner.com:

Fear mongering from The National Organization for Marriage

That was impressive, not just because it debunks the (false) claims in the spot, but because the Examiner is owned by a right-wing Chrstian billionaire.

Here's the remix I was talking about:

Ha! that made my day! thanks, Urth
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on April 10, 2009, 09:51:53 AM
I wish I could call it funny.  But I'm getting furious:


Mr Morford nails it, as usual:


and from examiner.com:

Fear mongering from The National Organization for Marriage

That was impressive, not just because it debunks the (false) claims in the spot, but because the Examiner is owned by a right-wing Chrstian billionaire.

Here's the remix I was talking about:

Ha! that made my day! thanks, Urth

De nada!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on May 06, 2009, 11:41:55 AM
For Gay Couple, Fulfilling Lifelong Dream Of Marriage Not Worth Moving To Iowa

NEW YORK—Having their sworn commitment to each other and all related rights therein recognized by the highest court of a sovereign U.S. state is ultimately not worth the hassle of moving to Iowa, longtime partners Danny Mindlin and Alex Small determined Monday. "Alex and I want to grow old together, but we'd have to drive six hours just to get a mezzaluna at Restoration Hardware," said Mindlin, who claimed he "couldn't survive" without a strawberry frosted cupcake from Amy's Bread after yoga every Thursday. "And where would we summer? Dubuque? I think we'll just buy a townhouse and live in an unrecognized union with beautiful granite countertops instead." The couple told reporters that their plans to adopt also weighed heavily in the decision, since they want to raise a child who is healthy, balanced, and "not tacky."

(Courtesy The Onion, natch)
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on May 06, 2009, 11:44:00 AM
One more state joins in: Maine passes gay marriage bill

Five down, 45 (plus Guam and Puerto Rico) to go.

(I'm perplexed that the Chron buried this way down in the Nation and World box, rather than giving it play more toward the top of the page. Is gay marriage old news already?)
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on May 06, 2009, 09:19:13 PM
One more state joins in: Maine passes gay marriage bill

Five down, 45 (plus Guam and Puerto Rico) to go.

(I'm perplexed that the Chron buried this way down in the Nation and World box, rather than giving it play more toward the top of the page. Is gay marriage old news already?)

Might be that the SFGate.com audience doesn't care for such stories.  My limited exposure to the commenters suggests that the online audience skews shockingly conservative (which is part of why I stopped reading SFGate.com; I couldn't ignore the asshole respondents).
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: SFGuy on May 07, 2009, 01:31:00 AM
One more state joins in: Maine passes gay marriage bill

Five down, 45 (plus Guam and Puerto Rico) to go.

(I'm perplexed that the Chron buried this way down in the Nation and World box, rather than giving it play more toward the top of the page. Is gay marriage old news already?)

Might be that the SFGate.com audience doesn't care for such stories.  My limited exposure to the commenters suggests that the online audience skews shockingly conservative (which is part of why I stopped reading SFGate.com; I couldn't ignore the asshole respondents).

You folks are in the minority as you all are pretty liberal when I poll I read a couple years ago (or last year) where it said the majority of online users tend to lean toward conservative. BTW, despite Obama's election, this country as a whole does lean right of center.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Lightnin' Rod on May 20, 2009, 09:29:48 AM
American Idol, catalyst for change:


I know many of you despise Idol, and I can hardly blame you.  For me, guilty pleasure.  Adam, the more or less openly gay glam screamer, should win tonight.  The other finalist, Mrazzish pretty boy Kris, is a decent singer with boyish charm, so it's not a shoe in.  But Adam is something special, if not everyone's cup of tea.  Think Steven Tyler with a goth twist.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on May 20, 2009, 09:29:22 PM
American Idol, catalyst for change:


I know many of you despise Idol, and I can hardly blame you.  For me, guilty pleasure.  Adam, the more or less openly gay glam screamer, should win tonight.  The other finalist, Mrazzish pretty boy Kris, is a decent singer with boyish charm, so it's not a shoe in.  But Adam is something special, if not everyone's cup of tea.  Think Steven Tyler with a goth twist.

I'm tuning in now, and just saw this Adam guy -- and he is great. 
He just did a medley: started off singing Beth. The lyric "me and the boys will be playing ... all night"
took on that OTHER MEANING.  hehe...  then he brought Kiss out!  the did a bit of Detroit Rock City and RnR All Nite. 


Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on May 21, 2009, 08:03:51 AM
So I see (based on the Facebook posts I've read this morning) that Adam lost. 

"Idol" sucks, people. It always has. Stop watching the goddamn thing. A friend of mine posted this morning: "Adam Lambert = Sam Harris". LOL!  Adam will obviously have a career; the other guy will be the answer to a trivia question.  So chill already.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on May 21, 2009, 10:12:45 AM
So I see (based on the Facebook posts I've read this morning) that Adam lost. 

"Idol" sucks, people. It always has. Stop watching the goddamn thing. A friend of mine posted this morning: "Adam Lambert = Sam Harris". LOL!  Adam will obviously have a career; the other guy will be the answer to a trivia question.  So chill already.

relax, bub. ;)  you'll see no FB posts about Idol from me.  I wouldn't want ot be dead wrong in public.... just here..!

yes, it sucks, I haven't watched since sometime in season 2?  and I haven't watched any idol eps this year save for last night, and I must say it was worth it.  I mean, seeing Lionel Richie, Rod Stewart, Cyndi Lauper, KISS, etc. was ...  interesting.  Rod sounded awful and looks tipsy.  Lionel was great.  Cyndi perf'd her best song ("Time After Time") with some idol from the Christina Aguilera school of warbling. Many of those stars were hawking an upcoming release or tour, and they foerced them to perform with various "idol" candidates, which was mostly lame.   

 I gotta say I was worried about KISS teetering on those big-ass platform shoes, those guys aren't 25 anymore.  When Paul Stanley tried to break his guitar, I thought he might break a hip, too.  It's hard watching senior citizens do physical labor.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on May 21, 2009, 10:34:14 AM
So I see (based on the Facebook posts I've read this morning) that Adam lost. 

"Idol" sucks, people. It always has. Stop watching the goddamn thing. A friend of mine posted this morning: "Adam Lambert = Sam Harris". LOL!  Adam will obviously have a career; the other guy will be the answer to a trivia question.  So chill already.

I've still never watched AI, but I read far more about this season than any previous one (including Time's weekly blog entries on it).  Not at all surprising to me that much of Middle America is still afraid of gay men, especially when they paint their fingernails.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on May 26, 2009, 10:06:57 AM
Bummed but not surprised at the way the ruling went. But at least they allowed the marriages that happened before Prop 8 to stand. The right thing to do.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on May 26, 2009, 10:16:20 AM
Bummed but not surprised at the way the ruling went. But at least they allowed the marriages that happened before Prop 8 to stand. The right thing to do.

So the CA SC has justified that our civil rights are at the mercy of the people?  Highly disappointing.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on May 26, 2009, 10:37:24 AM
My understanding of this decision wasn't whether Prop 8 discriminated against a protected class , but whether "voters had the right  to amend the state Constitution to solidify the definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman." (from Chron article)

Another civil rights lawsuit could address this whole thing again very soon. and then we would see whether CA judges would rule based on CA civil rights.  I don't know if CA civil rights law would overturn it, though.  Ultimately it would head to the SCOTUS, where federal civil rights law would be applied. 

I'm no lawyer, but that situation -- grandfathered in same sex marriages are allowed to stand while new ones are prohibited -- seems a good basis to challenge, too
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on May 26, 2009, 10:44:58 AM
Marriage cannot, cannot, CANNOT be a civil rights issue.  Here's one reason why:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on May 26, 2009, 10:58:10 AM
And in other news from the world of hypocritical homophobes:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on May 26, 2009, 11:02:03 AM
Marriage cannot, cannot, CANNOT be a civil rights issue.  Here's one reason why:


very sad.  So many eff-ed up things happening here.  The "anti-gay state" remark by the social worker, the lack of empathy from health care professionals...  freakin' florida.  

it's also an economic issue.  I believe certain tax benefits, for example, are afforded to married couples, correct?
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: ggould on May 26, 2009, 01:49:44 PM
coincidentally, we just finished watching the Milk DVD this weekend, and now this...
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on May 27, 2009, 02:42:15 AM
Marriage cannot, cannot, CANNOT be a civil rights issue.  Here's one reason why:


BTW, I meant STATES' rights, not civil rights, of course.  >thwack<
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: ggould on May 27, 2009, 09:28:17 AM
Marriage cannot, cannot, CANNOT be a civil rights issue.  Here's one reason why:


BTW, I meant STATES' rights, not civil rights, of course.  >thwack<
thanks for clarifying that; I was about to reply to your original post with confusion!  It's kind of like being Ebeneezer Scrooge, having to watch the barbaric treatment of fellow humans, as if through some sort of twisted looking glass.  How in creation can people be so cruel?  [cue the music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hwdr8hjOKM)]
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on May 27, 2009, 09:54:38 AM
Marriage cannot, cannot, CANNOT be a civil rights issue.  Here's one reason why:


BTW, I meant STATES' rights, not civil rights, of course.  >thwack<
thanks for clarifying that; I was about to reply to your original post with confusion!  It's kind of like being Ebeneezer Scrooge, having to watch the barbaric treatment of fellow humans, as if through some sort of twisted looking glass.  How in creation can people be so cruel?  [cue the music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hwdr8hjOKM)]

heh, me too.  I was trying to parse Gaz's stmt and thought he felt that "civil" rights were manufactured by courts -- as opposed to natural or inalienable rights that just come naturally.  Like gravy when you cook a roast (anyone know which classic comedy movie I'm referring to w "gravy?").
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on May 28, 2009, 08:03:04 AM
So I see (based on the Facebook posts I've read this morning) that Adam lost. 

"Idol" sucks, people. It always has. Stop watching the goddamn thing. A friend of mine posted this morning: "Adam Lambert = Sam Harris". LOL!  Adam will obviously have a career; the other guy will be the answer to a trivia question.  So chill already.

I've still never watched AI, but I read far more about this season than any previous one (including Time's weekly blog entries on it).  Not at all surprising to me that much of Middle America is still afraid of gay men, especially when they paint their fingernails.

Bill Maher's latest FB post:

America chose the slightly less gay guy to win American Idol. Because here in America our bitchy, fake-titted beauty queens have to be good Christians, and our crying guys who sing show tunes have to be all-man.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on May 28, 2009, 09:14:55 AM
All hail Violet Blue, (SFGate's sex columnist):

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on May 28, 2009, 09:26:46 AM
Mark Morford had a fine column re: Prop 8  (did someone already post this? can't remember)

The big gay shrug
Sorry, enemies of gay marriage. Prop 8 or no, you've already lost

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on June 02, 2009, 01:56:40 PM
Hold onto your hats, Cheney endorses gay marriage.

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on June 02, 2009, 02:09:28 PM
Hold onto your hats, Cheney endorses gay marriage.


a step in the right left direction, as it were. He's still an evil SOB, however.  I meant to post that yesterday; was a little surprised that OlberMaddow didn't talk about it last night, but they devoted most of their shows to the Dr Tiller murder.

Rachel joked last week that the longer Cheney keeps doing TV interview after TV interview, the better the odds that he'll book himself on her show by accident. And then.... bwahahahahaha!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on June 02, 2009, 02:18:19 PM
Hold onto your hats, Cheney endorses gay marriage.


a step in the right left direction, as it were. He's still an evil SOB, however.  I meant to post that yesterday...

agreed on the evil SOB part, and likewise surprised that no one posted it here before me.

I just can't imagine what the dittoheads are going to make of this.  I hope Rev. Dobson's head explodes.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on July 12, 2009, 12:20:22 PM
For those of you who have been following the case of Lt. Dan Choi, here is a definitive AP article on the subject of overturning DADT (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090712/ap_on_re_us/gays_in_the_ranks).
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on September 17, 2009, 02:32:02 PM
Hint: I could've posted this in the Star Trek thread too:

Title: Gays can quote the Bible, too
Post by: urth on September 21, 2009, 11:52:43 PM

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on October 26, 2009, 08:30:35 AM
Paul Haggis, the Oscar-winning writer-director (Crash, Million Dollar Baby, In the Valley of Elah) has publicly resigned from Scientology because of (among other things) their support of Prop 8.  His letter to Tommy Davis, the church's "celebrity wrangler" (LOL) and the son of actress Anne Archer, is part of this article about his resignation in the Hollywood Reporter. Interesting stuff.

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on October 26, 2009, 09:39:56 AM
Paul Haggis, the Oscar-winning writer-director (Crash, Million Dollar Baby, In the Valley of Elah) has publicly resigned from Scientology because of (among other things) their support of Prop 8.  His letter to Tommy Davis, the church's "celebrity wrangler" (LOL) and the son of actress Anne Archer, is part of this article about his resignation in the Hollywood Reporter. Interesting stuff.


Wow, that took some balls. It'll be interesting to see what reaction (if any) some of the other Scientolo-celebs have to this.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: ggould on October 26, 2009, 05:17:33 PM
Paul Haggis, the Oscar-winning writer-director (Crash, Million Dollar Baby, In the Valley of Elah) has publicly resigned from Scientology because of (among other things) their support of Prop 8.  His letter to Tommy Davis, the church's "celebrity wrangler" (LOL) and the son of actress Anne Archer, is part of this article about his resignation in the Hollywood Reporter. Interesting stuff.

Of course, I will remember Paul Haggis most for his work on Due South!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 05, 2009, 03:12:14 PM
This website is satire, but given how the right-wing continues to out-do itself, craziness-wise, you'd be forgiven for mistaking it for an actual campaign:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on December 09, 2009, 09:41:26 AM
The Boss comes out... for same-sex marriage. He also turned down an invite to perform at the inaugural of Joisey's new GOP governor.

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on December 10, 2009, 10:19:53 PM
Haven't watched the interview yet, but I hear tell that Rachel Maddow took Richard Cohen, the "ex-gay" therapist who claims to help gays become straight, to school in an interview on her show last night. Coverage here, with a link to the video. It's 17 minutes long but worth the time, from what I am told:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on December 11, 2009, 07:39:52 AM
Haven't watched the interview yet, but I hear tell that Rachel Maddow took Richard Cohen, the "ex-gay" therapist who claims to help gays become straight, to school in an interview on her show last night. Coverage here, with a link to the video. It's 17 minutes long but worth the time, from what I am told:


I saw it; she really nailed him -- she's been doing phenomenal work this week on that story, as it relates to the "Kill the Gays" legislation in Uganda. Her coverage (she's pretty much the only MSM outlet on the story) has resulted in Rick warren and others distancing themselves from the Ugandans.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: ggould on December 11, 2009, 08:56:52 AM
Haven't watched the interview yet, but I hear tell that Rachel Maddow took Richard Cohen, the "ex-gay" therapist who claims to help gays become straight, to school in an interview on her show last night. Coverage here, with a link to the video. It's 17 minutes long but worth the time, from what I am told:


I saw it; she really nailed him -- she's been doing phenomenal work this week on that story, as it relates to the "Kill the Gays" legislation in Uganda. Her coverage (she's pretty much the only MSM outlet on the story) has resulted in Rick warren and others distancing themselves from the Ugandans.
Rachel's just so awesome. I wondered why that Cohen dweeb was willing to be on her show, knowing how tough, smart, and unflappable she is.  I guess these people just want to be on TV.  I think MSNBC's coverage of The Family cult on C St is pretty valuable, and should be a bigger story elsewhere.  But where else?
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on January 02, 2010, 09:20:26 PM
didn't know where else to put this, but I'm sitting here watching TV and in the middle of a Sharks game, of all places, there was a PSA telling kids not to say "that's so gay"! I was floored!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on January 03, 2010, 10:13:53 AM
didn't know where else to put this, but I'm sitting here watching TV and in the middle of a Sharks game, of all places, there was a PSA telling kids not to say "that's so gay"! I was floored!

very cool.  I think I'm gay for that PSA!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on January 06, 2010, 08:49:42 PM
U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker -- who will be overseeing a federal court challenge to Prop 8 starting this Monday (January 11) and the 9th Circuit are considering whether or not to open the court room to TV cameras. The court just announced that it is seeking public comment on the proposal to televise the trial -- and that all comments must be submitted to the court by a Friday deadline.  The fundies are gathering as many signatures as possible to close the proceedings.  I just signed a letter, asking Judge Walker to televise the Prop 8 trial. Anyone interested in likewise sending a letter to Judge Walker can do so in about 15 seconds through the link below.  Cutoff is 9:00 AM PST on Friday.

http://www.couragecampaign.org/TeleviseTheTrial (http://www.couragecampaign.org/TeleviseTheTrial)
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on January 06, 2010, 09:23:55 PM
U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker -- who will be overseeing a federal court challenge to Prop 8 starting this Monday (January 11) and the 9th Circuit are considering whether or not to open the court room to TV cameras. The court just announced that it is seeking public comment on the proposal to televise the trial -- and that all comments must be submitted to the court by a Friday deadline.  The fundies are gathering as many signatures as possible to close the proceedings.  I just signed a letter, asking Judge Walker to televise the Prop 8 trial. Anyone interested in likewise sending a letter to Judge Walker can do so in about 15 seconds through the link below.  Cutoff is 9:00 AM PST on Friday.

http://www.couragecampaign.org/TeleviseTheTrial (http://www.couragecampaign.org/TeleviseTheTrial)

thanks, I signed it!

 i said something like televising the trial will remove the mystery of it all and make citizens more comfortable with the legal process in general, sort of like how seeing a well-performed Shakespeare play can tame the verses and whirligigs of Shakespearean English and show the average person that, "Hey, I get this, it's not so hard!"   :)

(well, I had to write something and didn't want to just repeat the boilerplate text provided by the web form!)  ;)
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: SFGuy on January 06, 2010, 11:36:27 PM
It will be shown on You Tube:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on January 07, 2010, 11:31:50 AM
It will be shown on You Tube:


That was Judge Walker's preliminary ruling, but the final decision comes from the 9th Circuit as a body.  Anything can still happen.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on January 11, 2010, 01:59:25 PM
from the Courage Campaign:

The good news: Judge Walker just announced the amazing final results on public comments: 138,542 in favor, 32 opposed. Congrats to the Courage Campaign and CREDO Action communities!

The bad news: Opponents of marriage equality filed an emergency appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court on Saturday, begging to hide the trial from the American public. And a few hours ago, the Supreme Court delayed their decision until Wednesday.

Prop 8 supporters and anti-equality organizations like the National Organization for Marriage have spent tens of millions of dollars on 30-second ads scaring the American people into thinking that same-sex marriage will destroy our country. And now, when federal judges want to open the courtrooms to America, Prop 8 supporters want to unplug the TV.  What are they hiding? And what are organizations like NOM and Focus on the Family willing to do and say to keep the American people from finding out the truth?

The Prop 8 trial starts today. That's why the Courage Campaign Institute is launching the "Prop 8 Trial Tracker" -- a web site that will hold right-wing organizations accountable for what they say every day of the Prop 8 trial.


On the defensive, Prop 8 supporters are scared they will lose. Maggie Gallagher, President of NOM, has made Judge Vaughn Walker the immediate target of NOM's misinformation strategy, launching a baseless attack on the judge a few days ago: "The case will be a show trial in a kangaroo court. I don't say that lightly of any federal judge, but Judge Walker's extraordinary bias has already been flagrantly on display."  As the trial unfolds, we can expect NOM and their allies to continue to try and convince the public the court is biased. And our Prop 8 Trial Tracker will continue to monitor these misleading right-wing claims, in and outside the courtroom, and report the truth.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: princessofcairo on January 12, 2010, 05:42:54 PM
My comments on the matter:
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on January 12, 2010, 09:53:37 PM
My comments on the matter:

that was great. well done!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: princessofcairo on January 12, 2010, 11:45:31 PM
My comments on the matter:

that was great. well done!

Thanks! I was talking to a friend about the hooplah, and I got so irritated I started ranting.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: mshray on January 13, 2010, 11:16:27 AM
My comments on the matter:

that was great. well done!

Thanks! I was talking to a friend about the hooplah, and I got so irritated I started ranting.

That really is inspired.  Awesome.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on January 13, 2010, 11:23:13 AM
My comments on the matter:

that was great. well done!

Thanks! I was talking to a friend about the hooplah, and I got so irritated I started ranting.

That really is inspired.  Awesome.

it also serves to show just how whack Iverson can be.  I never saw that actual press conference he did.  If only the media covered important issues with as much gusto and resources as they cover athletes running at the mouth.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on January 13, 2010, 03:57:06 PM
Supes rule 5-4 against televising the Prop 8 trial:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: ggould on January 13, 2010, 09:18:20 PM
Supes rule 5-4 against televising the Prop 8 trial:


Quote from: Breyer
the public had ample opportunity to comment, there was no evidence that witnesses would be harmed, and those outside the courthouse were losing an opportunity to view a trial of "great public interest."
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on January 14, 2010, 07:42:40 AM
Supes rule 5-4 against televising the Prop 8 trial:


Quote from: Breyer
the public had ample opportunity to comment, there was no evidence that witnesses would be harmed, and those outside the courthouse were losing an opportunity to view a trial of "great public interest."

Peter Finch reported this morning that the Court had ruled "6 to 5" against the televising. Now *THAT* is news!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on January 14, 2010, 08:19:08 AM
Supes rule 5-4 against televising the Prop 8 trial:


Quote from: Breyer
the public had ample opportunity to comment, there was no evidence that witnesses would be harmed, and those outside the courthouse were losing an opportunity to view a trial of "great public interest."

Peter Finch reported this morning that the Court had ruled "6 to 5" against the televising. Now *THAT* is news!

Oh Peter...  So that means we'll hear "22 Guns" after the 10 at 10 set today.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on January 21, 2010, 08:20:14 AM
Cindy McCain (!) comes out in support of marriage equality:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on January 21, 2010, 05:04:18 PM
More good times:


There’s plenty of good stuff there for legal geeks and equality hawks, but I was particularly drawn to this buffoonish cross-examination from Day 5 of the trial, after a sociologist named Michael Lamb testified that homosexuals are just as good at parenting as heterosexuals:

    The cross-examination of Michael Lamb, the plaintiffs expert, began with the revelation (gasp!) that he’s a liberal. Proposition 8 lawyer David Thompson opened up his questioning of Lamb by asking him whether he’s a member of the ACLU, NOW, NAACP and Amnesty International. (He is.) Then Thompson really hit hard. “You’ve even given money to PBS, is that correct?” the lawyer asked, prompting a burst of laughter in the courtroom. (Lamb did give to PBS, and acknowledged he’s liberal.) Lamb also conceded he advocates same-sex marriage.

So this is what it has come to? In Massachusetts, a man is elected to the Senate because he drives a pickup truck, and the state of California tries to discredit scientific data by asking a witness if he contributes to PBS.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on January 22, 2010, 01:12:21 PM
Another Prop 8 update:


A proponent of California's same-sex marriage ban testified Thursday that he thinks gays are more likely to be pedophiles and that allowing them to wed would lead to efforts to lower the age at which teenagers can legally have sex with adults.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Gazoo on January 22, 2010, 01:15:21 PM
Also also:


Other evidence presented by the plaintiffs Wednesday provided new details confirming reports from the 2008 campaign that Catholic and Mormon church leaders were heavily involved in promoting Proposition 8, directing money, volunteers and advisers to the effort.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: ggould on March 03, 2010, 09:58:18 PM
an anti-Prop 8 poster made by the Obama poster guy

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 06, 2010, 12:05:58 PM
great piece on the subject from CNN.com by ESPN's LZ Granderson.

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Tinka Cat on April 06, 2010, 01:08:45 PM
great piece on the subject from CNN.com by ESPN's LZ Granderson.


yes, the great mysterious "homosexual" scares a lot of folks.   If they get to know gay people, they'll realize they're just as regular and boring as everyone else.  They come home and watch too much TV, don't eat right, are too tired to fix that broken thing they're SO keeps nagging them about, hope the Giants can win a freakin' series before they die, I mean, come on already! -- or maybe they don't give a crap about sports, but they also don't give a crap about drag shows, or fashion, or keeping a clean apt or whatever. 
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on June 16, 2010, 08:53:41 PM
Clkosing arguments in the Prop 8 trial:


the pro-Prop 8 lawyer actually argued that "allowing only men and women to wed promotes responsible sex and child-rearing, and ultimately ensures the future of humanity."  Because of coursethere's no IRRESPONSIBLE child-rearing going on among straiight people. At all.
Title: Prop 8 overturned
Post by: ggould on August 04, 2010, 02:01:23 PM
Title: Re: Prop 8 ruling stay lifted, but...
Post by: ggould on August 12, 2010, 07:02:51 PM
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: SFGuy on November 17, 2010, 06:27:54 PM
Prop. 8 appeal will be televised

Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal grants C-Span permission to carry the Dec. 6 proceedings in S.F. live.

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on November 17, 2010, 07:03:05 PM
Prop. 8 appeal will be televised

Take *that*, Gil Scott Heron!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on June 24, 2011, 07:40:27 PM
NY State passes same-sex marriage bill!  A number of enlightened Repubs voted "yes". The times they are a-changin'.

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: sundaygal on June 24, 2011, 08:00:00 PM
NY State passes same-sex marriage bill!  A number of enlightened Repubs voted "yes". The times they are a-changin'.


Yay!   :)  :)  :)
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: Lightnin' Rod on June 24, 2011, 08:33:02 PM
NY State passes same-sex marriage bill!  A number of enlightened Repubs voted "yes". The times they are a-changin'.


Yay!   :)  :)  :)

Indeed, great news.  Progress is slower than we would wish in civil rights most times.  But we do progress, when enough of us stand up for the rights of the minority.  Huzzah!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on June 24, 2011, 08:37:47 PM
NY State passes same-sex marriage bill!  A number of enlightened Repubs voted "yes". The times they are a-changin'.


Yay!   :)  :)  :)

Indeed, great news.  Progress is slower than we would wish in civil rights most times.  But we do progress, when enough of us stand up for the rights of the minority.  Huzzah!

And BTW, the story still hasn't made it to the SFGate front page an hour later. Do they go home early on Friday?
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on June 24, 2011, 08:50:42 PM
NY State passes same-sex marriage bill!  A number of enlightened Repubs voted "yes". The times they are a-changin'.


Yay!   :)  :)  :)

Indeed, great news.  Progress is slower than we would wish in civil rights most times.  But we do progress, when enough of us stand up for the rights of the minority.  Huzzah!

And BTW, the story still hasn't made it to the SFGate front page an hour later. Do they go home early on Friday?

I'm seeing it there. It's not one of the three lead articles across the top, but it's the first item in the left column directly below them, just "below the fold." Timestamped 7:54, so they posted it fairly quickly, although it may have taken longer to remake the front page.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on June 24, 2011, 09:10:33 PM
NY State passes same-sex marriage bill!  A number of enlightened Repubs voted "yes". The times they are a-changin'.


Yay!   :)  :)  :)

Indeed, great news.  Progress is slower than we would wish in civil rights most times.  But we do progress, when enough of us stand up for the rights of the minority.  Huzzah!

And BTW, the story still hasn't made it to the SFGate front page an hour later. Do they go home early on Friday?

I'm seeing it there. It's not one of the three lead articles across the top, but it's the first item in the left column directly below them, just "below the fold." Timestamped 7:54, so they posted it fairly quickly, although it may have taken longer to remake the front page.

I had to "refresh" several times for it to show up. Odd.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: ggould on June 24, 2011, 11:12:47 PM
NY State passes same-sex marriage bill!  A number of enlightened Repubs voted "yes". The times they are a-changin'.


TANC Alert!  We are playing "The Times They Are a Changin'" Sunday morning at the predominantly gay church our band plays at twice a month!  I had planned this for a while.  That's the prelude.  We're also doing Kermit's "The Rainbow Connection" for the postlude!
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: ggould on June 27, 2011, 05:14:56 PM
Rachel Maddow shared this great video:

Title: unconstitutional!
Post by: ggould on February 07, 2012, 10:04:20 AM
Title: Re: unconstitutional!
Post by: RGMike on February 07, 2012, 10:55:17 AM

thanks -- I was so absorbed in bashing Crowded House I forgot to post about this.
Title: Re: unconstitutional!
Post by: ggould on February 07, 2012, 11:05:19 AM

thanks -- I was so absorbed in bashing Crowded House I forgot to post about this.
first things first I guess!
Title: Re: unconstitutional!
Post by: RGMike on February 07, 2012, 11:17:32 AM

thanks -- I was so absorbed in bashing Crowded House I forgot to post about this.
first things first I guess!

so, as I understand it... same-sex marriage is still on hold in Calif until the Supreme Court rules on this case?  And technically the appeals court ruling "narrowed" the case to be about Calif only?
Title: Re: unconstitutional!
Post by: ggould on February 07, 2012, 09:19:38 PM

thanks -- I was so absorbed in bashing Crowded House I forgot to post about this.
first things first I guess!

so, as I understand it... same-sex marriage is still on hold in Calif until the Supreme Court rules on this case?  And technically the appeals court ruling "narrowed" the case to be about Calif only?
It's a strange game.  By narrowing the focus, it makes it more likely to stand.  While I of course think it's a civil rights issue worthy of federal protection, I'm a little nervous about a wide-open ruling coming before a court with so many right wing tools on the bench.  There's even a small hope that the court will decline to hear the case, since the ruling is so narrow, which would not help other states, but might let it be in California and elsewhere.  But, considering the power of the right-wing, I doubt they'll let it rest.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on February 24, 2012, 09:06:56 AM
Oh no he DIH-unt! NEVAH piss off a queen, honey:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 02, 2013, 11:06:44 AM
wow, we haven't posted in this thread in over a year. another GOP Senator come out for same-sex marriage:


Quote of the day/week/month/year, from Sen Kirk: "Life comes down to who you love and who loves you back — government has no place in the middle."


Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: RGMike on April 22, 2014, 12:24:05 PM
another year gone by since we last posted in this thread.

Wrestling may be fake, but Stone Cold is fo' REALZ, yo:

Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: urth on May 19, 2014, 12:31:44 PM
Add Oregon to the list of states where same-sex marriage is now legal. A federal judge just ruled unconstitutional the law that prohibited it, which was passed by the electorate 10 years ago.


Really hope the local religious right (who are many) do not mount a challenge, but I suspect they will.
Title: Re: The Prop 8 thread
Post by: ggould on May 20, 2014, 02:56:04 PM
Add Oregon to the list of states where same-sex marriage is now legal. A federal judge just ruled unconstitutional the law that prohibited it, which was passed by the electorate 10 years ago.


Really hope the local religious right (who are many) do not mount a challenge, but I suspect they will.
Rachel Maddow did a big segment last night on the peculiar brand of right wing crazy that Oregon offers!