I think you all are being just a bit harsh. Everyone went in with a negative attitude. As bad as the people that are giving AL a bad time for not being Greg Kihn. Just chill for a while. You have plenty of time to rail on her in a week or two.
I'm no Renee fan, but I gotta agree with this. I realize that as a public figure you're supposed to be able to take criticism, but some of the comments directed at her, although funny, weren't exactly constructive.
No. Sorry. It's not like DC called her at 6am yesterday and said "you gotta throw together a 10@10 for today" She had 2 weeks, and it was very bare-bones and uninteresting. Everything about it said she's not too interested in being creative or working very hard on it. And granted, we've been spoiled by DM and AL's great work, but still. Would I have cut, say, Dred more slack? probably, because RR has a history of being snippy on FB. Do I want her to improve? yes, because otherwise I'll stop listening. I see a strong possibility that "bare-bones" is what DC wants (because that way anyone can do it, and when RR is on vacay someone else can fill in rather than running "classics") and if she's just doing what she's told then that's depressing too.
Yeah, perhaps we were a bit harsh on her, but as has been pointed out:
1. DC/RR knew of this change for at least two weeks. Given that:
a. A jingle which sounded like it took more than five minutes to produce should have been developed.
b. Research should have been done in order to guarantee that no more than two of the songs would be 103.7 regulars.
c. RR should have at least feigned enthusiasm. This is a show that many would love to do.
2. Her response was:
a. Defensive as opposed to trying to learn what the passionate listeners cared about.
b. Effectively taking a crap on the methodologies AL’s listeners (both G-Snipes and others) were extremely enthusiastic about.
If it had just been #1, I think we’d have much less of an issue about this. It seems this 1988 set is marginally better – did she sound like she was alive this time?
When I mentioned the comments directed at her, I was referring to the FB posts (not the ones in this forum -- we're supposed to be snarky here) that prompted her to respond in the form of #2a. Renee's no 'snipe & probably never will be, we can't just barrage her with our brand of sarcasm and expect her to play along.
I agree with 1a and c and would really like to agree with 1b but sadly, can't realistically expect that one. (In fact, the opposite of that is probably closer to the truth.)
2b...I'll partially agree with. She's no AL when it comes to a lot of things, including email & facebook, and even if she did start a facebook page, she'd still be nowhere near as effective as AL was. I don't mind calling in to vote for best of set. Technically that was how DM did, and that way BOS's can be announced at the end of the set without people who emailed a few minutes late feeling like their vote didn't count. But I agree that she comes across as sticking her nose up at social media...and that isn't a good thing. She should at least attempt something to make us realize she cares, if, in fact, she does.