Late 80's can be bad on 10@10, even though I think the era produced a lot of good music (which probably has to do with me being at an age (19/20) when people become really attached to their music). Today's set was just godawful, I thought. Uninspired, obvious song choices in very narrow, unchallenging genres. Parents Just Don't Understand as the change of pace? Ugh. Are my pants just too cranky, or did that set stink?
yeah, I wasn't too excited about it, I was all whatevs. I missed the Proclaimers, but I don't dislike that one. Scottish nerds are ok. Missed Siouxsie, too, and that might've made the set more pleasing. I agree with you and SG about the Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff cut. I suppose it was a hit, but it's really bad and dated. maybe it was targeted to tween hip-hop fans?
Parents ( and 10at10 Fans) Just Don't Understand that one. And I'm not a Tracy Chapman fan in general.
I understand the response to Steve Winwood, although I generally enjoy his stuff -- even his lamer stuff like today's
Roll With It. Might have something to do w seeing him in concert back around 88 and coming away w fond memories. His voice is pretty unique. it's got the same buzzy tone and quality that you can hear in the singer from Kings of Leon. (I don't like KoL, though)
I read that AL didn't solicit suggestions via FB, and it might be tempting to read into that as The Man coming down on her and telling her to play these songs, or maybe she did it all by herself. ~~giggle~~