Last night I was actually brainstorming a bunch of songs that would sound killer for '97, anticipating on requesting them during the next '97 set, and then she goes and does '97 this morning without taking requests & of course stuffs it with blandages &/or repeats. 1997 does NOT have to sound this bad. Oddly enough, even though I hate Blues Traveller in general, I have to rank Most Precarious as 'most tolerable.' Perhaps it's because it's the only one of their "hits" that never became overplayed. The 3EB wasn't bad, but enough is enough. To be fair, decent TOTHK though.
I could probably do without most of the Live 105 monster hits too, since those still get overplayed between Alice/Mix & even Live & KFOG.
My stab @ 97 (also digging Swellegant's list):
Duran Duran - Electric Barbarella
Save Ferris - Come on Eileen (If she really must play ska...forget SNZ or RBF, play these guys instead)
Eleanor McEvoy - Precious Little
OMD - Walking on the Milky Way
The Verve Pipe - The Freshmen
Aqua - Barbie Girl (Though I know a lot of people hate this & I doubt AL would ever play it)
Faithless - Insomnia
The Cure - Wrong Number
Forest for the Trees - Dream
Merril Brainbridge - Mouth