Don't know if this Art Robinson guy is running for the seat near you, or if you've heard of him, but I just saw a very strange interview with him on the Rachel Maddow show:
We're in the first district here, so we have our own close race to worry about. DeFazio (the Dem incumbent) has the good fortune to have two sizable Democratic areas in his district, the city of Eugene and Gold Beach over on the coast. Outside of Portland and those two cities, Oregon is pretty damn conservative. So if Robinson can get the ear of enough of the wingnuts outside those areas, he might actually have a chance, despite being crazy as a shithouse rat.
In the district I live in, our Democratic congressman (David Wu) is in danger of losing his seat to a first-time politician who happens to have a couple of backers with deep pockets (the chairmen of Nike and Columbia Sportswear). Hoping it doesn't happen, even though Wu is pretty ineffective as legislators go.