So, is anyone Kaboom-ing this year? The weather forecast is superb, which means better than last year when fog obscured downtown from my usual Twin Peaks perch.
I always plan on it, but have no actual logistics worked out yet. The last 2 yrs we went with a Castro Valley family with kids the same age as mine. The first time we just happened to bump into them coming off BART & stuck together. Last year we planned it that way & walking back past the Embarcadero Center their daughter found a $100 dollar bill on the sidewalk(!)
Don't know that we'll hook up with them this time though.
Well, just got back. It was... good. Nothing earth-shattering or even better-than-last-year-ish. Just good. It ran less than 20 mins, seemed to me it was the shortest ever, but then I didn't get to see it last year due to the fog (remember the first year that it wasn't free and they kept saying it would be longer and it wasn't really?).
Anyway, musically it was a nice mix -- opening with the
Superman sndtk was cool and the biggest "WTF?" was AC/DC's "Big Balls". And they managed to avoid Jason Mraz AND the Feist-alikes AND Coldplay, which was most impressive.