Author Topic: The Sound (LA), 3/3/09: 1984  (Read 13780 times)

Tinka Cat

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Re: The Sound (LA), 3/3/09: 1984
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2009, 03:22:00 PM »
Actually, the intern forgot to list Corey Hart, too.  Freudian omission?  here's the real list:

1. Cars - Hello Again
2. Joe Jackson - You Can't Get What You Want
3. Corey Hart - Sunglasses at Night
4. Bruce Springsteen - Workin' on the Highway
5. Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime (live)
6. Stevie Ray Vaughan -  Couldn't Stand the Weather
7. Bangles - Going Down To Liverpool
8. Prince -  Let's Go Crazy (vinyl)
9. R.E.M. - So. Central Rain
10. Van Halen - Hawt for Teacher
