Hoo Lawd! it's the 3rd of Sept on the 20th of Nov!
BTW, Gaz -- this week's CG retro-countdown is from late '72 when this tune was #1 in the UK. A must-listen -- I'll be catching it after Dave's set today.
I'll catch it tomorrow when I'm off. Yesterday was a long day (hence my odd hours of posting) and I have to go back in in an hour. We're cramming three days of work into two, basically.
BTW, Gaz, I'm listening to it right now and I was wondering why it didn't match the Dec 2nd, '72 chart I found on the UK chart db -- turns out they're counting down the US chart from that week. So it's similar to what you heard on the Kasem Klassic last week. But Otis Williams' stories are fun to hear.