Author Topic: The Concert Thread  (Read 496546 times)


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The Concert Thread
« on: March 15, 2005, 10:24:59 AM »
i figured we should have a thread for our live music outings. i saw the frames and mark geary last night at gamh. wow. really great fun. awesome musicians, awesome songs. the music reminds me of the connells and the wookies, and all things modern rock and strummy guitars. and, hell, electric violin is always a plus.

mark geary is an awesome strummer (if you're into that sort of pete townshend, melissa ferrick style of playing).

infos here. i'd definitely suggest an album (their first another love song is available for free download on their site).


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Re: The Concert Thread
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2005, 10:39:04 AM »
Quote from: "princessofcairo"
i figured we should have a thread for our live music outings. i saw the frames and mark geary last night at gamh. wow. really great fun. awesome musicians, awesome songs. the music reminds me of the connells and the wookies, and all things modern rock and strummy guitars. and, hell, electric violin is always a plus.

mark geary is an awesome strummer (if you're into that sort of pete townshend, melissa ferrick style of playing).

infos here. i'd definitely suggest an album (their first another love song is available for free download on their site).

You like the Connells?  I love the Connells, for exactly those reasons.  But have never met anyone else who'd even admit to having heard of them.
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Re: The Concert Thread
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2005, 11:12:12 AM »
Quote from: "mshray"

You like the Connells?  I love the Connells, for exactly those reasons.  But have never met anyone else who'd even admit to having heard of them.

not like. love.


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Re: The Concert Thread
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2005, 12:00:17 PM »
Quote from: "mshray"
Quote from: "princessofcairo"
i figured we should have a thread for our live music outings. i saw the frames and mark geary last night at gamh. wow. really great fun. awesome musicians, awesome songs. the music reminds me of the connells and the wookies, and all things modern rock and strummy guitars. and, hell, electric violin is always a plus.

mark geary is an awesome strummer (if you're into that sort of pete townshend, melissa ferrick style of playing).

infos here. i'd definitely suggest an album (their first another love song is available for free download on their site).

You like the Connells?  I love the Connells, for exactly those reasons.  But have never met anyone else who'd even admit to having heard of them.

I know exactly two songs from the Connells: "74-75" (which I adore madly), and a bizarro acoustic cover of Cypress Hill's "Insane in the Brain."
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Re: The Concert Thread
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2005, 03:34:12 PM »
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Quote from: "mshray"

You like the Connells?  I love the Connells, for exactly those reasons.  But have never met anyone else who'd even admit to having heard of them.

I know exactly two songs from the Connells: "74-75" (which I adore madly), and a bizarro acoustic cover of Cypress Hill's "Insane in the Brain."

For some reason I heard the song "Something To Say" (track 1 on the Fun & Games album) on KTYD in Santa Barbara & the lyrics struck a chord.  I later picked up a used CD & played it to death, although neither that track nor album in general attracted much notice.  But for me it's one of those albums that I can listen to from start to finish & the whole thing perfectly captures that particular feeling of being on the outside looking in on life and not quite knowing how to fit in or even if you want to.

Later I also picked up the earlier & more acclaimed Boylan Heights album, and downloaded "74-75" and a couple other more recent tracks.

Never heard of an acoustic version of "Insane in the Brain" but by definition that would have to be bizarro.
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Re: The Concert Thread
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2005, 04:45:14 PM »
Quote from: "mshray"

 But for me it's one of those albums that I can listen to from start to finish & the whole thing perfectly captures that particular feeling of being on the outside looking in on life and not quite knowing how to fit in or even if you want to.

you would totally dig the frames.

Lightnin' Rod

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Celebrity sighting...
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2005, 09:10:36 AM »
So I'm at the Elvis Costello show last night.  I'm supposed to be in my seat in case Urth comes by to say hi, but I flake and go out for a cigarette (sorry I missed you Urth).  On our way back to our seats, there is a little congestion at the door where they usher you in.  I happen to glance to my right, and I'm standing next to Sean Penn!

Me (cleverly):  Hey, you're Sean Penn.
Sean Penn: Yes I am.
Me:  Nice to meet you.

We shake hands.  I turn to Sharlene, get her attention and turn back, but Sean Penn has disappeared.  

Of course, she doesn't believe me.  But the people in front of us confirm that it was indeed Sean Penn.

The show was good, though I'm not as big an Elvis Costello fan as I had imagined.  Just don't know enough of his songs, and he did not focus on the ones I do know.  The sound was a bit muddled too, so it was difficult to pick out the vocals most of the time, which especially detracts from songs you don't know.  Still, enjoyed it very much.
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Re: Celebrity sighting...
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2005, 09:15:09 AM »
Quote from: "Rod"

Me (cleverly):  Hey, you're Sean Penn.
Sean Penn: Yes I am.
Me:  Nice to meet you.



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Re: Celebrity sighting...
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2005, 09:20:07 AM »
Quote from: "princessofcairo"
Quote from: "Rod"

Me (cleverly):  Hey, you're Sean Penn.
Sean Penn: Yes I am.
Me:  Nice to meet you.


Nice AND clever.  You go boy.
"Music is the Earth, People are the Flowers, and I am the Hose."

--Carlos Santana, 2010

Lightnin' Rod

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Re: Celebrity sighting...
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2005, 09:22:51 AM »
Quote from: "mshray"
Quote from: "princessofcairo"
Quote from: "Rod"

Me (cleverly):  Hey, you're Sean Penn.
Sean Penn: Yes I am.
Me:  Nice to meet you.


Nice AND clever.  You go boy.

I was a bit taken by surprise.  I forgot to expect the unexpected.
and any fool knows
a dog needs a home
a shelter
from pigs on the wing


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Re: Celebrity sighting...
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2005, 09:28:58 AM »
Quote from: "Rod"
Quote from: "mshray"
Quote from: "princessofcairo"
Quote from: "Rod"

Me (cleverly):  Hey, you're Sean Penn.
Sean Penn: Yes I am.
Me:  Nice to meet you.


Nice AND clever.  You go boy.

I was a bit taken by surprise.  I forgot to expect the unexpected.

I know, in my limo-drivn' days I saw a lot of otherwise normal people fall completely to pieces in the presence of a celebrity.  Fortunately it never really affected me (or else I'd never have been able to hold that job).

Assuming I didn't choke I would have wanted to say, "Hey Sean, thanks for going ot Iraq & writing about it.  I hope a lot of people told you that they appreciated your effort, I sure did."  Then if I had a chance for a second attempt I'd ask if Robin were there, 'cuz I feel about her they way POC feels about Catherine.
"Music is the Earth, People are the Flowers, and I am the Hose."

--Carlos Santana, 2010


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Re: Celebrity sighting...
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2005, 10:02:08 AM »
Quote from: "mshray"
Then if I had a chance for a second attempt I'd ask if Robin were there, 'cuz I feel about her they way POC feels about Catherine.

All hands, all hands.
“The choir of children sing their song.  They've practiced all year long.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.”


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Re: Celebrity sighting...
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2005, 11:06:55 AM »
Quote from: "Rod"
So I'm at the Elvis Costello show last night.  I'm supposed to be in my seat in case Urth comes by to say hi, but I flake and go out for a cigarette (sorry I missed you Urth).  On our way back to our seats, there is a little congestion at the door where they usher you in.  I happen to glance to my right, and I'm standing next to Sean Penn!

Me (cleverly):  Hey, you're Sean Penn.
Sean Penn: Yes I am.
Me:  Nice to meet you.

We shake hands.  I turn to Sharlene, get her attention and turn back, but Sean Penn has disappeared.  

Of course, she doesn't believe me.  But the people in front of us confirm that it was indeed Sean Penn.

The show was good, though I'm not as big an Elvis Costello fan as I had imagined.  Just don't know enough of his songs, and he did not focus on the ones I do know.  The sound was a bit muddled too, so it was difficult to pick out the vocals most of the time, which especially detracts from songs you don't know.  Still, enjoyed it very much.

Shit! I was probably right next to you--cuz right after I checked your seats, I went out to hit the loo, and about bumped right into Penn coming in the door. Sarah, of course, didn't recognize him. She always misses stuff like that--at the Fillmore, Huey Lewis once asked her where the coat-check was and she had no clue it was him (but to be fair, he'd let his hair go grey.)

As it turns out, Penn was sitting in the row in front of us, about two seats over. And Wavy Gravy was sitting behind us. But the real celeb sighting: Banjo Man (the guy with the propeller beanie who "plays" banjo at baseball and football games) was sitting at the end of our row.
Let's get right to it.


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Re: Celebrity sighting...
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2005, 11:09:15 AM »
Quote from: "mshray"
Then if I had a chance for a second attempt I'd ask if Robin were there, 'cuz I feel about her they way POC feels about Catherine.

She wasn't--I looked. Or if she was, they weren't sitting together. Hope springs eternal.
Let's get right to it.


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Re: Celebrity sighting...
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2005, 02:31:00 PM »
Quote from: "urth"
Quote from: "Rod"
So I'm at the Elvis Costello show last night.  I'm supposed to be in my seat in case Urth comes by to say hi, but I flake and go out for a cigarette (sorry I missed you Urth).  On our way back to our seats, there is a little congestion at the door where they usher you in.  I happen to glance to my right, and I'm standing next to Sean Penn!

Me (cleverly):  Hey, you're Sean Penn.
Sean Penn: Yes I am.
Me:  Nice to meet you.

We shake hands.  I turn to Sharlene, get her attention and turn back, but Sean Penn has disappeared.  

Of course, she doesn't believe me.  But the people in front of us confirm that it was indeed Sean Penn.

The show was good, though I'm not as big an Elvis Costello fan as I had imagined.  Just don't know enough of his songs, and he did not focus on the ones I do know.  The sound was a bit muddled too, so it was difficult to pick out the vocals most of the time, which especially detracts from songs you don't know.  Still, enjoyed it very much.

Shit! I was probably right next to you--cuz right after I checked your seats, I went out to hit the loo, and about bumped right into Penn coming in the door. Sarah, of course, didn't recognize him. She always misses stuff like that--at the Fillmore, Huey Lewis once asked her where the coat-check was and she had no clue it was him (but to be fair, he'd let his hair go grey.)

As it turns out, Penn was sitting in the row in front of us, about two seats over. And Wavy Gravy was sitting behind us. But the real celeb sighting: Banjo Man (the guy with the propeller beanie who "plays" banjo at baseball and football games) was sitting at the end of our row.

LOL. Hey! You're Sean Penn.
I probably related this last year, Wavy came and sat next to me at a Giants game. I had FAB seats via a friend who had absolutley no idea who he was and ended up a bit miffed at me for talking with him and ignoring her. He used my phone to call his "people" to let them know why he wasn't in the box with them. Nice guy. A while after that I was at the Warfield for the Other Ones intro show and there was a gal in line next to me with a HUGE Wavy Gravy tatoo on her arm. Good color and clarity. I saw him inside later and still wonder if she saw him or if he saw her tat.

Other celeb sightings in my life have been Joan Baez at the Pioneer bar in Woodside. I just looked and never said anything. Live music, itty bitty place.
Sharks bleed teal.