“West Fest” Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock.
42 bands,
When: October 25, 2009, 9am to 6pm
Where: Speedway Meadows, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA US
I'll prob check at least some of this out: I usually ride my bike through GGPark on weekends anyway, so instead of having to swerve around aging hippies, I'll join them, although I don't see many acts that I would go out of my way to see.
These look interesting:
Leslie West , Ronnie Montrose, David & Linda La Flamme, Original Low Rider Band (that's actually four guys from "War," although they don't own the rights to the name, and they don't even mention War on the lowriderband.com website in the "bio" section.) But sometimes you never know when and where good music and good times will crop up...