Main Discussion Area > KFOG's 10@10
Just testing
Not sure why I work on the computer all day then attach myself to it again at night.
Just rambling now...
Signed up for DSL hopefully effective on the 24th.Got a neato wireless router last night. It's a Linksys WRT54GS. Speed Booster and firewall and lots of ports. Things I never knew about before. Going to try and hook it all up by the end of next weekend.
MUST detach from keyboard. Step away from the computer. I think my hand is permanently curved in the shape of the mouse. :roll:
--- Quote from: "Alicat" ---:twisted:
Not sure why I work on the computer all day then attach myself to it again at night.
--- End quote ---
so, here's a reply to a message, and you can see that there's a new message, if you've signed in before, because theres a brown tag next to it.
Holla! :evil:
--- Quote from: "Gazoo" ---Holla! :evil:
--- End quote ---
when I logged in this morning, I saw the icon to the left of the topic Ali started colored brown, so I knew there was a new message there. I would guess that since Gaz didn't register, he might not see the same thing next time. Let me know if this isn't true.
I wanna upload an avatar pic!
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