I found his stuff kinda meh.
When did "meh" slip into the lexicon of American hipster slang, and from whence did it come? I've just in the last two weeks or so seen it pop up in various blogs, emails, and forum posts, and I swear I'd never run across it before. I assume it means "so-so" or something to that effect, replacing last year's entry in that category "not so much."
(Aside: do we need a separate thread for questions of language, grammar and such?)
Heh, I nabbed it from those same sources; it's a great shorthand word b/c it's hard to vocalize it without giving it the slight shoulder shrug that it connotes. Been seeing it for a few months -- I guess we run in different online circles.
I'm also guilty of jumping on the "not so much" bandwagon, which I picked up like a mild cold from LiveJournal denizens.
"meh" reminds me of "menza-menz" (or maybe originally "mezza-mezz"), an Italian expression from my Noo Yawk youth, which also means "so-so" or "in-between" or "fair-to-middling".
"How ya feelin' today?"
"Oh... menza-menz..."
Sounds like that phrase is the Italian version of (or at least has the same roots as) the Spanish "mas o menos" (sp?) which also serves in that "so-so/more-or-less" space in the language.
The equivalent in French, if I remember correctly, is "comme si, comme sa" (pron. roughly "come see, come saw"), though I'm sure the POC will correct me if I'm wrong.
Meantime, Urth, have you ever read the Testy Copy Editors forum? It's quite funny and educative for people who have such interest in and/or fussiness about the finer points of language:
http://www.testycopyeditors.org/phpBB2/ I'm a regular lurker there.