early bos: the fez!
Holy frijoles, Batman. The Fez started 20 seconds ago for me. How much is the internet feed delayed??? Guess I don't have much hope of winning anything on the pop quiz anymore. And, of course, preliminary BOS for The Dan.
have you been trying to win? sadly, the internet feed is more than a little delayed. has to go through the censors, and all.
I haven't tried to win in quite a while, since the prizes have not been worth the effort, or the questions haven't been suitably difficult (and described before the cue to call in). But at my last job, I had a radio in my office, so I wasn't delayed, and the music didn't sound like it was being played through a phaser in a cave. I suppose I have just as much room here, but I'm still a contractor, and I don't feel permanent here yet.