Thursday July 17, 2014: In a Faraway Galaxy...1977!
(Star Wars-Bill Murray style)
1. Meco- Star Wars
(Movie: Star Wars)
2. David Bowie- Heroes
(Movie: Star Wars)
3. Crosby, Stills & Nash- Dark Star
(Movie: Annie Hall)
4. Utopia- Love Is the Answer
5. Fleetwood Mac- Songbird
6. Thin Lizzy- Dancing In the Moonlight
(Movie: Saturday Night Fever)
7. Bee Gees- Stayin' Alive
8. Grateful Dead- Dancin' In the Streets
(Movie: Annie Hall- "I fell for the wicked witch")
9. Johnny Winter- Tired of Tryin' (B.O.S!) R.I.P.
(Movie: Star Wars- "The force is strong in this one)
10. Iggy Pop- Lust for Life