Author Topic: 1970 on Tues 8/16/05  (Read 5192 times)


  • The Core
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Re: Please explain
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2005, 02:02:58 PM »
Quote from: "urth"
Quote from: "ggould"
Quote from: "Gazoo"
Quote from: "ggould"
Quote from: "RGMike"
Quote from: "ggould"
Quote from: "Gazoo"
BOS to apocalypse soul: PG&E (the long version!), with fantastic backing gospel vox from the Strawberries.
I love this song, but know nothing about it.
What about the Strawberries?
Oops, wrong fruit (a recurring theme today?): They were the Blackberries.  Per the Billboard Book of One-Hit Wonders (an entertaining read, albeit with more than a few factual and copy errors), they were a group of session singers: Vanette Fields, Clyde King, Shirley Matthews, and Lorna Willard.  The song just wouldn't have been the song without them.
Those people I recognize!  I think they have sung with Boz before too.

Three out of four of them have backed Steely Dan too--Fields, King & Matthews. Check the credits for Aja.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love these conversations?
“The choir of children sing their song.  They've practiced all year long.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.  Ding dong.”