If memory serves, Annalisa took over the reins of 10@10 a year ago June 1. Wonder if she has anything planned to mark the occasion?
I'm remiss for not having updated the Db since, but I am working on it. Most of the way through the first 6 months already.
BOS to everything so far.
Mark, I have most of the interim sets accounted for, but have had very little time in the last couple months to finish them off. Will try to knock them out soon and send the data your way.
Pretty fantastic set--I'd venture a 10-way tie, or even 12-way if you count her FB bonus tracks. She does love her 70s British glam-prog stuff, and this set is heavy on both. Wish I'd gotten my recorder set to go before the replay kicked off. Tinka? Any chance you...?
ETA: Grooving on Perfect Day, and the vinyl clicks that appear intermittently. Guess AL's copy of
Transformer is well loved. As it should be.