Man, this party's bunk!
Looks like I picked the right day to go to work.
And I picked the wrong day not to. Open up your fruitcake.
is that what he says? Well, I'll be.
Actually, I think I heard "fruitcage" this time.
I always assumed it was "fruitCAGE", 'cause he says "show me 'round your..." and I don't know how you would show someone 'round a fruitcake. Unless you were miniature-ized a la
Fantastic Voyage. OTOH, I never met anyone who keeps their fruit in a cage.
Awfully glad I missed this (well except for Stan, Sarah and their toast-and-marmaladio); totally agree with urth re: fixing what ain't broke. I'm afraid to read the rave reviews on FB. But birthday cakes are supposed to be "on fire" I guess.