2/9/11- Wednesday!! Not TOO far back in time...It's KFOG in 1997!!
1. Indigo Girls- Get Out The Map
2. OMC- How Bizarre
(News: Dolly the cloned sheep)
3. Space- The Female of The Species
4. Paula Cole- Where Have All The Cowboys Gone? (BOS-3 WayTie!)
(TV: King Of The Hill)
5. John Hiatt- Little Head (BOS-3Way-Tie!)
(Ad: Taco Bell Dog)
6. Semisonic- FNT (Fascinating New Thing)
7. Big head Todd & The Monsters- Resignation Superman
(Movie: Wag The dog)
8. Mark Knopfler- Wag The Dog
9. Oasis- Don't Go Away
10. Chumbawamba- Tubthumping (BOS-3Way Tie!)