Fresh Garbage BOS#2
ooh, sorry I missed this one:
Look beneath your lid some morning...
man, now that is a dated lyric
Is that a drug reference?
On the chance that you're asking earnestly, I respond: Yep. I can't explain the etymology, but an ounce of pot used to be called a "lid." That phrase went out in the late 70s, probably around the time an ounce of pot became too expensive for the average college student to afford.
I was indeed asking earnestly: I thought I'd heard the phrase "a lid" before, but wasn't sure.
And I can't imagine buying an entire ounce of pot today. Eighths have become the standard here.
When I started college, you could get an ounce of pretty good Columbo for $50, which at the time was a fair amount of cash, but within reason. By the time I graduated in 82, sinsemilla had come along and a quarter ounce was the standard measure, and that went for $30 or $40, iirc.
One morning in '78 I got on the school bus and, for whatever reason, I had a twenty dollar bill - which was a lot of money back then for a kid in middle school. The smart-ass doper (aka "head") said, "Hey man, wanna buy an ounce?"
Based on urth's, uh, expertise on the price of weed back then, I suppose that was pretty crappy stuff, but I've always kept that incident as a reference point for what pot costs. Talk about weed-flation.