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Messages - Beej

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KFOG's 10@10 / Wed. 2/2/05 -- it's 1983
« on: February 02, 2005, 10:34:09 AM »
Bonus-BOS to "Holiday Road" or whatever it is they're singing in the NL's Vacation song.

KFOG's 10@10 / Wed. 2/2/05 -- it's 1983
« on: February 02, 2005, 10:29:08 AM »
Why on Earth would someone do a cover of "Sussudio". Why would a little girl name her horse "Sussudio" for that matter?

God, I hate that song.

KFOG's 10@10 / Wed. 2/2/05 -- it's 1983
« on: February 02, 2005, 10:21:27 AM »
how many albums did they make between '83 and '88? "cause I swear I don't remember hearing them on the radio again until "Beds are Burning".

(shrug) I dunno. I just like 'em. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a tamborine seminar to attend (it's being taught by gypsies!)

KFOG's 10@10 / Wed. 2/2/05 -- it's 1983
« on: February 02, 2005, 10:15:22 AM »
BOS so far for Midnight Oil. I dug this song back then.

Stream of Consciousness / Funny Stuff on the Internet
« on: February 01, 2005, 01:41:48 PM »
I posted the link over at Fametracker's Johnny Carson topic but only one person's commented on it so far. They were a little shocked.

ETA: Ah, a few more comments are being posted over there. There's some serious denile about the whole thing going on at the moment.

KFOG's 10@10 / Tuesday 2/1/05 -- it's 1982
« on: February 01, 2005, 10:44:58 AM »
aarrrgh! who order stray cats?

Yeah! We want the Pole Cats!

KFOG's 10@10 / Tuesday 2/1/05 -- it's 1982
« on: February 01, 2005, 10:20:59 AM »
Back in high school I was hanging out with some friends one day when one of them (a girl) mentioned what she'd be wearing to some function or other. "I'll wear..."

Before she could finish, DeMurie blurts out: "...Pink and blue? Just like a child?"

You had to be there.

Stream of Consciousness / Michael Jackson
« on: February 01, 2005, 10:18:13 AM »
Over at Fametracker there's speculation that he'll take his own life if he's convicted.

On the other side of the fence there's no shortage of websites (from foreign coubtries, mostly) that believe Michael's 100% innocent. Many of them have threatened suicide if their hero is found guilty.

Stream of Consciousness / Joel Selvin on Hard-to-find CDs
« on: February 01, 2005, 08:51:08 AM »
Little Steven rules.

Stream of Consciousness / Michael Jackson
« on: February 01, 2005, 08:49:14 AM »
So, I saw that VH1 The Secret Childhood of Michael Jackson thing- wow. It was amazingly lurid. And poorly written.

And, of course, I couldn't stop watching.

I've seen about 2/3rds of the Bashir interview when it originally aired here- so I've seen the young man's face whose accused MJ.

Guilty? Yeah, I'd come to that conclusion given the evidence. I'd also have to admit that said boy & his Mom aren't exactly naive hayseeds.

Bad scene. Not gonna end well for Michael no matter what. But, you reap what you sow.

If he's found innocent (doubtful) he should move to Scandanavia- where they think he's the greatest thing ever.

Stream of Consciousness / What's Your Favorite Way to Dance? (A Poll.)
« on: January 31, 2005, 03:59:24 PM »
with the boogie (but I picked 'on the valentine')

KFOG's 10@10 / Monday 1/31/05 -- It's 1978
« on: January 31, 2005, 10:37:36 AM »
a sweet, sweet vhm to sweet, sweet andy.

Oh, yeah- speaking of 'sweet', I bought 'The best of The Sweet' on cd yesterday. My life is now very nearly complete.

KFOG's 10@10 / Monday 1/31/05 -- It's 1978
« on: January 31, 2005, 10:35:36 AM »
Me said
The Bear is the Bay Area's country western station. I forget the call letters. My roomies and I like to pretend it's run by big, hairy gay men.

Funny, I like to pretend that too. Surely they realized this before they named it.

Oh, I don't know. It's not exactly a well-known term unless you're gay or, well, worked at a gay magazine for a few months.

And don't call me 'Shirley'. Heh.

KFOG's 10@10 / Monday 1/31/05 -- It's 1978
« on: January 31, 2005, 10:24:58 AM »
The Bear is the Bay Area's country western station. I forget the call letters. My roomies and I like to pretend it's run by big, hairy gay men.

KFOG's 10@10 / Monday 1/31/05 -- It's 1978
« on: January 31, 2005, 10:20:37 AM »
where's eddie rabbit in our 10@10?

My roommates & I were driving home from a party on Thurs night & they had The Bear on the radio as usual. "Driving My Life Away" was heard.

At that point, however, our windshield wipers weren't slappin' out a tempo because it had stopped raining.

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